May 20, 2015

Flight and Metamorphosis DVDs~ Design of Life Vol. 1 and 2 from {Product Review}

We have a tradition of watching nature documentaries on either Friday night or Saturday morning as part of our Sabbath worship. We love learning more about the world God created and being able to glory in His magnificence--but most of the shows are heavily push the evolutionary theory. When I learned about the chance to review two intelligent design focused films from called Flight and Metamorphosis, I was eager for a chance to share them with my family and hoped they would be more along the lines of what we believe.
Product Review: Flight and Metamorphosis by

Product Information is a comprehensive website for Christian movies. Their goal is to bring you family oriented movies for great prices and carry a full line of products from documentaries to apologetic materials to faith based drama, and inspirational children's films. They offer thousands of movies for the young and old and always offer free shipping for orders $35 or more.

Some of the selections they carry include (but are definitely not limited to):
*Exploring Ephesus
*Torchlighters: The John Wesley Story
*Privileged Species
*Unbroken: Legacy of Faith Edition
*Flight AND Metamorphosis~ Design of Life Vol 1 and 2

Our review team was allowed to pick from the list above--I chose to review Flight and Metamorphosis with my family.

How Did we Use This Product?

We chose to watch these DVDs on one Saturday morning (our Sabbath). We have a family tradition of watching a nature documentary of some sort and these fit the bill.

Metamorphosis ($11.18) is a stunning documentary focused on the butterfly and the complexity of its life cycle. The 64 minute film shares rarely seen magnetic resonance imaging to show the changes that happen during metamorphosis in a chrysalis which was very awesome to see. The biologists on the film are very well spoken and interesting as they share their passion of the magic of the butterfly and how it brings them awe and wonder. They openly present the flaws of evolution using the case study of the butterfly's life cycle and share their opinions regarding evidence of supernatural intelligence and mind. My whole family was captivated by this film and we kept pausing it to talk about what we were seeing and learning.

Flight: The Genius of Birds DVD ($11.18) is a wildlife documentary celebrating the life of birds and their incredible unique ability to live life in the skies. The movie is 63 minutes long and films birds all over the world, paying special attention to the inspiring life and migration of the Arctic Tern. Little Britches was excited when this came on, as we studied about this particular bird earlier in our year and so he knew much of what was covered, but enjoyed seeing the bird in "real life" and learning more about how truly remarkable it is.

What Are Our Thoughts?

Little Britches: 
"It was so cool to see all the butterflies. That one was my favorite. I loved the story about the Monarchs. I would love to see them on the trees. Oh and I really liked the car and jet part. It makes the idea of a caterpillar learning to evolve into a butterfly really stupid. I just really like butterflies. I think God made them pretty awesome. The big orange ones are my favorite."

Baby Britches:
"I wike the butterflies! They fly around a lot and they have blue ones. I wike the blue ones with their big wings."

"I thought it was an excellent set of movies. I personally enjoyed the Metamorphosis the most because of how clear it talks about the case for intelligent design in regards to the origin of life. I loved the way they presented the idea of evolution in relationship to the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The computer animation of the plain old car suddenly stopping in the middle of the road, building itself its own shed and turning itself into a jet, was brilliantly done! I would definitely recommend this movie to any family wanting to give their children ammunition to be able to hold their own in the evolution debates. I will be remembering the information myself for future use."

I have to agree with my men. These were fabulous films and the very kind our family adores. The cinematography was very high quality and the presentation of the information superb. Like my men, I too enjoyed the Metamorphosis DVD the best, though Flight was excellent as well. I just love learning about butterflies and the addition of the excellent argument for an "intelligent designer", by exclusively using the life cycle of a butterfly, was brilliantly done. I don't think I've ever heard a case against evolution so succinctly presented, using facts based on scientific evidence BY top scientists. My husband and I both commented that if more evolutionary theory supporting people watched this film, it would be hard for them to not, at the very least, have to pause and think about what they believe.

Would I Recommend This Product?

I think that anyone who supports the belief in the theory of an intelligent designer will find these documentaries exceptional. They are the high caliber presentations along the lines of the big name companies out there in the nature documentary world. These would be excellent videos to use for Science resources or to add to a church media library. I am going to encourage our local congregation to show the DVD Metamorphosis as part of one of our movie nights, because I know it will be high enjoyed.

If you are a supporter of the evolutionary theory in regards to the origin of life, I do not think these movies are for you---although still I think they would still be worth your time to watch, because even just the information and cinematography about the butterflies and birds is excellent.

Want to know more?

Our family reviewed two DVDs from the Design of Life series Flight and Metamorphosis. You know we loved them--but what about the other DVDs available from this company? Make sure you check out the other reviews by my fellow crewmates! Review
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These videos were so stunning and beautiful, that I know we will enjoy sharing them with friends and family---and keeping them in our collection for future reference (and maybe even Science reports!). I look forward to learning more about the movies that carries.

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