January 4, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection {Book Review}

I am always looking for new romance collections. My favorites are the historical inspirational fiction genre of romance. I have many favorite authors, and every now and then I can find a collection with several of them together! I was tickled to find one of these in the Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection that I was given to review. I hoped that it was going to be just the light-hearted romance collection I was looking for!

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The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection is a collaboration of novellas by nine different popular authors in the inspirational fiction genre (including Mary Connealy and Kathleen Y'barbo, two of my favorites). The book was just released January 1, 2016, so it's brand new on the market!! In this romance collection you will meet nine different couples who are thrust into marriage because of
practical choices, as well as coercion!

Some do it to please family, to stem the tide of gossip, or to save land...and some...well, because they are forced to unless they want to go to jail! Each story examines the question of whether love can grow, even when marriage is started in less than stellar circumstances!

What Are My Thoughts About the Book?

All in all, this collection is a fun and easy read. All of them are historical fiction with a western touch. I found the three best were the novellas by Mary Connealy (The Sweetwater Bride), Kathleen Y'Barbo (The Colorado Coincidence), and Gina Welborn (All's Fair). Each of these had enough information about the characters to let you get to know them and the stories went fast enough to be a novella length, but slow enough to not feel rushed. They didn't feel like the author crammed a lot of information in a small amount of pages, just to flush out a story.

I really enjoyed Mary Connealy's story the best, simply because it was yet another visit to the Montana Marriages Trilogy to be with the Harden family again of the The Husband Tree novel. I loved that series and it was fun to see the characters again.

I really think putting NINE stories together in one book, really was pushing it. I believe I prefer collections of 4 or 5 different stories tops, so that i can have more time to get to know the characters.

I give the book a 3 1/2 star rating because it was good and I enjoyed it, but I think some of the other stories (besides the three I said were well done) could have been better. The characters in those stories were just a bit to shallow for me.

I still recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a good historical inspirational romance fiction collection. It's not going to be deep or require a lot of thinking, but it will still be just a good all around read.

The Lassoed by Marriage Romance Collection
ISBN# 978-1634091206
Available in Kindle or Paperback

Professional Reader
I have a whole host of book reviews lined up over the next few weeks--at least one a week, so I hope you will keep my blog in your feed to find out more about the excellent books I've been reading lately! There are some great ones that I can't wait to share with you!

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