February 23, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Mermaid Moon by Colleen Coble {Book Review}

I don't usually go for contemporary settings in the novels that I read. I adore history, so regularly reach for novels of the days past. There is one author, however, that gets me out of my historical novel box. Colleen Coble has written several excellent novels in the Inspirational Fiction genre, and her series Lonestar Series and Hope Beach Series are books that I thoroughly enjoyed! I absolutely enjoyed the first book of her newest series the Sunset Cove series, The Inn at Ocean's Edge with it's mystery plot (another thing out of the box for me) and have been eagerly awaiting book two Mermaid Moon. I was excited to have a chance to review it for NetGalley and the Fiction Guild and dove right in as soon as it arrived---would it be as good as the first book in the series?

Mermaid Moon by Colleen Coble: Book Review
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About the Book

We were introduced to the beauty of Sunset Cove, Maine in the first book The Inn at Ocean's Edge. This book picks up after the second book. Several of the first book's characters show up and play a part in this novel, but the focus of the story is on Mallory Davis and Kevin O'Connor.

Mallory and Kevin are childhood sweethearts who had a falling out many years earlier, which led to Mallory leaving their hometown and starting a new life. But she's back after her dad mysteriously dies on his mail boat route. Though she hasn't spoken to him in years, the first person she calls for help is Kevin, who is now a law officer and game warden, even though they haven't spoken since she left town. 

Mallory is beginning to receive threats on her own life and that of her teenage daughter--somewhere in all of this is a tangled web of truth and lies with Mallory and Kevin frantically searching to uncover the reasons behind the supposed murder. Through the middle of it all, they are also forced to examine what really happened to their relationship so many years ago...can something so broken ever be healed?

My Thoughts

Colleen Coble has not let me down! Once again, I was drawn into the complexity of the story as I raced to solve the mystery before the characters do. I enjoyed hearing from past characters and seeing the roles they played in this new book. I enjoyed the parts that talked about the handmade jewelry that Mallory made and the descriptions of the beautiful stones. I even looked up what tourmaline looked like so that I could envision her creations better. I would love to see one of her pieces in "real life" as I adore sea glass!

Both of the main characters were given a good amount of background text, so I felt I understood them and the reasons behind the choices they made. Sometimes authors let their characters get away from them, but not Ms. Coble! I really enjoyed the additional character of Sadie, Kevin's blind daughter. She really allows the reader to see a more intimate side of Kevin as he interacts with her and her special needs.

The mystery in the story was well done. Although I solved part of it, I was still surprised when the lead perpetrator was finally revealed. The one mystery I had solved a long time before it was revealed in the book was the answer to who Mallory's birth mother was. I had that one pegged pretty early and was tickled to see I was right. 

Another aspect of Ms. Coble's books that I like, is that the plot is like an onion. You keep peeling back a layer here and a layer there and you go deeper and deeper into the story. Just when you think you have it figured out, she peels another layer and gives you more. I love stories like that, don't you?

This book gets a definite 4 1/2 out of 5 stars and I can say it is one of the best books I've read the last few months. I don't usually go for mysteries or contemporary settings, but I am definitely wiling to go outside the box for another Colleen Coble book! 

If you like a good mystery this will be a treat for you! If you also like the added benefit of the mystery being an inspirational fiction, you really should give the Sunset Cove series a try! Do you need to start with The Inn at Ocean's Edge? No not really, but since some of the characters do carry over, and because it's a great book too, why not start at the beginning?

Here are some other great books from Colleen Coble!

Mermaid Moon (Sunset Cover Series #2)
by Colleen Coble
Available in Paperback and Kindle

Professional Reader
Mermaid Moon was an excellent book! I now can't wait for book 3 in the series Twilight at Blueberry Barrens which comes out Fall 2016. Doesn't that title just sound delightful? I hope you will check out Colleen Coble as an author if you haven't already--all of her books are just exceptional!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm like you: I prefer to stay in the pages of history when I read a book. But Colleen Coble sounds like an author I may like as well - I'll have to pick up one of her books!


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