February 12, 2016

Random 5 for Friday~ 2/12/2016

It's been awhile, but I wanted to share some randomness...
The Pebble Pond

1. This week my oldest (aka. Little Britches) turned the big 1-0! I can't believe that my darling little boy could possibly be that old! Where has time gone?? It seems like just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital. So adorable and bald. Oh so bald. Then I blinked and he grew up. Sigh. I hope the next 10 years don't go as fast.


2. For this birthday, we decided to let him experience the joys of a "real" professional tractor pull, so we bought tickets for the National Tractor and Truck Pull Championships in Louisville, KY. We attended this last night after a whole day exploring the National Farm Machinery show. Yes. Very redneck. But these boys just simply think it's the best thing ever. So does their daddy. Mommy just enjoys being with the boys more than anything else. 

Possibly the coolest thing at the Farm show. A Transformer made of Kioti Tractor parts!

Waiting for the pull to get started
3. So what does mommy do at these hardcore country boy things? She takes pictures, and collects the freebies. LOL. I stock up on grocery bags, pens, and pencils from all the vendors! Woot! Talk about feeding my pen fetish! LOL
See? A lovely collection!
4. Besides. This convention just makes me eager for MY convention. The Great Homeschool Convention. The Midwest Convention in Cincinnati, OH. That's coming up March 31-April 2. Oh yeah. Now THAT convention will be my reward for going to this one with them. Of course none of them volunteer to go to mine with me. Why IS that? LOL.

5. We get to enjoy a fun weekend. My brother surprised my oldest by coming down to stay with us this weekend as a bit of birthday fun. Little Britches was surprised and very pleased. But even more fun is that my sweet niece and sister-in-law flew in from AZ to spend 10 days here in KY with us! And my nephew and my other sister-in-law are coming in this evening from Cincinnati too! It's going to be a simply delightful weekend full of family and love!
I always love spending time with my darling nephew!
I hope you and yours have a most wonderful and blessed weekend! We are going to stay warm inside, because the weather outside is "freightful" and the fire is so delightful! I have a busy week ahead and I promise to get cracking on my posting this week! I've got book reviews (6!), a curriculum review (we loved it!), and a few recipes to write up (yummy!). So stay tuned!
A beautiful graphic from Scripture Pictures

 photo 2015blogsiggy_zpsfy0kfo4t.png

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