March 5, 2016

Random 5 for Friday (on Saturday)~A Week of Adventures

Another week comes to a close...the first week of March. Hard to believe that it's already the third month of this year. But March means that winter will finally have to fade away and make way for glorious spring! Here are some of our adventures that we had this week as part of Random 5 for Friday!
The Pebble Pond
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1. Sunday was delightful! It was so warm and we enjoyed spending the day outside! I got in the mood to garden and started working my way through my seed catalogs to plan what all needs to be purchased for the new growing season. I have a blog post almost done about all the pre-gardening planning that can be done while you are waiting for everything to be ready to go.

2. Monday. LOL. About mid-morning, I kept hearing noises in our chimney and realized a bird had gotten stuck in the flue. This happens about once a year, so it's not a new experience. As we have done before, we just wait for the bird to come down into the woodstove itself and then we dispose of it. It was not to be so simple this time. The bird DID make it down the pipe and into the stove, however, before I could take care of it, there was a bit of excitement. I was on the phone with my mom and all of sudden I heard LIttle Britches yell that Baby Britches had opened the stove door and the bird had escaped. In the house. So I quickly hung up on my mom "Mom, I have to go. There is a bird on the loose in the house!" and then set about a course of action to get that bird OUT! Fortunately, after the initial chaos, we were able to usher it towards a door and outside. And the best news? It didn't poop on anything! LOL! My mom definitely got a chuckle that morning.

3. Tuesday. So it was just your normal day. I made dinner over at my inlaws house because my mother-in-law is out of town and I wanted to feed my father-in-law. My soon to be sister-in-law came over to help. All was fine until I went to open to open a can of black beans as I always do...and then...oh. That's not good. And then my finger starts bleeding all over. Yep, classic slicing of finger on can lid. It was quite a filet and it would NOT stop bleeding. Fortunately with Lauren (my soon to be SIL) there, she helped me get ice and compression. And then finished dinner. After 1 1/2 hrs it was still bleeding so we discussed whether or not I needed to get stitches and decided to go back to my house. I had butterfly bandaids, gauze and tape there. Thankfully once I got it done up like that the bleeding stopped. But ugh. how aggravating! LOL! And nothing like a thickly bandaged pointer finger!

4. So now I'm on the lookout for a new can opener. Mine was just a nice classic style with padded handles. But I'm now leaning towards this highly recommended Kuhn Auto Safety Lid Lifter or this OXO Good Grips Smooth Edge Can Opener. No more jagged lids at all! Both are highly recommended with very good reviews.

5. We also got new furniture this week! We decided to downsize and moved our two end tables, a coffee table, loveseat, couch, and recliner out. In its place, we moved back in a new power reclining loveseat, reclining couch, and a new coffee table that is just pretty awesome. The coffee table is MINE because it has the best storage!

One side lifts up to give you a tray table of sorts and underneath--lots of storage. The other side lid lifts out and it's nothing but storage! This is why we were able to eliminate the end tables! Now I can store everything in this! The one side is for nothing but library books. The other has my stationary, phone books, blanket, and other odds and ends in baskets for easy grabbing. Everyone just loves it, and we especially love that it is a perfect match to our entertainment center. Did I mention it's also on wheels for easy movement? It's just fabulous! Everyone has been asking us where we found it. We found it at our local fabulous furniture store (aka. Big Sandy Superstore) but it's an Ashley brand which seems to be carried everywhere. They call it a Lift Cocktail Table. I just call it awesome. LOL!

We were very happy to be able to bless an older couple with all our old furniture. They lost all their own in a fire early last year and have been using just hodge podge leftovers that people donated. They are very excited to have all of our stuff delivered tomorrow and we are so happy to be able to help them out.
I hope you have a simply lovely rest of your weekend! I am having a mini mom day out tomorrow as I have to run some errands in Cincinnati. I have simply got to find suspenders for Baby Britches. He's got the tiniest little tooshie and his pants just WON'T stay up! LOL! I'm hoping some stores will be already filling up with the nice Easter clothes as that will give me what I need I'm sure!
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