May 20, 2016

A Peek At our Week~ May 15-20

I thought I would change it up this Friday and give you a peek at what a week here on the farm was like. We didn't do anything highly exciting, so just consider this a rambling post! LOL!

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Let's see. On Sunday we did a second Mother's Day for my mom who has been in town the past week. My brother even drove down from Cincinnati to be with us. The boys gave her extra love and kisses, and a homemade post it note holder they made. We gave her a gift card to her favorite store: Cracker Barrel. Man she adores that store when she comes out here to visit. For dinner, I took over and we did a big get together with my in-laws for a Mother's Day feast! I plan on sharing that steak recipe I used, because it's definitely a winner. I enjoyed using my own Mother's Day present...a new stainless steel grill! Sunday night was full of laughter as we tested out a new game called Tenzi. There were times we were laughing so hard, that we had to stop playing. The game is a product I am reviewing for Timberdoodle, so be on the lookout for my upcoming review on it.

Best part of this regular old day was getting a fire in the firepit and roasting marshmallows. First night of S'mores is ALWAYS a good night!

Accidentally squirted himself
The next day worth mentioning is Tuesday. After a half day of school, we surprised the boys by taking them into town to go see The Jungle Book and then eat dinner at Bob Evans (did you know kid's eat free every Tuesday?). They were VERY excited about the movie and absolutely enjoyed it. I agree. It was very very well done. Intense at times--the animal fights could scare some sensitive kidlets. My boys just loved the story and I enjoyed the whole production. After the movie, we enjoyed dinner and then we came home and just hung out with my parents.

A boring regular old day. We get quite a few of those here on the farm. LOL


Papa and his helper
What's not to love about spending a day out in the garden after school? Baby Britches and my dad tilled between the garden rows, and then I hoed the weeds and then planted a couple more rows--primarily squash. Our squash hasn't done well thanks to the heavy rain we've had so far this spring and lack of sun. But now we are to having sun and less rain, so I'm hoping that this second round of squash will do better. I also planted some herbs and flowers. The only thing left to plant now is some onions. We enjoyed fresh picked lettuce from the garden served with roasted hotdogs, mac n cheese, and corn on the cob. And for dessert? S'mores round 2! A simply delightful evening around the fire!

Turning on the LED with the circuit
Today we enjoyed a half day of school and my dad taught the science lesson today. He used the DIY Electro-Dough Kit from Timberdoodle and the boys learned all about how circuits and conductive materials work. Then the boys went out with the men, while I worked on getting the house ready for Sabbath. My parents went out looking for property (they are planning on moving out here within 2 years). The rain moved in about 5pm and we all went in to have a final family dinner before my parents leave tomorrow. 

Silly boy loves his Papa
We have a little restaurant that is simply amazing and the food is fabulous. I think my husband licked his plate clean--he got a filet mignon with a Cabernet Bordelaise sauce that is just indescribable in how good it is. I devoured his little button mushrooms that came with his dinner. I think I could drink that sauce....... I enjoyed a delightful Chicken Parmesan that never lets me down. I also paired it with a Washington Apple cocktail. Those are delightful too. All in all, the family enjoyed a wonderful meal together.

And so there you go. Not very exciting as I said, but enjoyable all the same. We will be sorry to see my parents go, but they might be purchasing property soon which is very exciting! Won't be long before they never have to leave! What a blessing that will be to have both sets of parents nearby!

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