May 30, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Flirtation Walk by Siri Mitchell {Book Review}

By now, if you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I have a thing for historical romance. You might also know that I have a thing for any novels surrounding one of the wars, or about military history. Flirtation Walk is the latest book by best selling inspirational fiction author Siri Mitchell, and it looked to be just the kind of novel I enjoyed.

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About the Book

Flirtation Walk by Siri Mitchell is an inspirational historical romance set during the era of the early West Point military academy. It follows the story of Lucinda and Seth. Lucinda is the daughter of a swindler. A con-mans daughter. And to make it even worse, she's HELPED him swindle people out of money. And she's tired of it. She wants a new life. She wants a husband and respectability. So she shows up alone and desperate on the door step of her aunt's house in West Point, NY ready to begin a new chapter in her life. She quickly sets her sight on one of her uncle's star pupils at West Point Military academy. 

Seth is a rising star at the military academy with one goal...graduate last! After a letter from his younger sister confessing that she lost everything in a swindle, he's determined to get transferred to the western outpost where she lives--something that only happens to the cadets who flunk!

Then Seth meets Lucinda and everything changes. Will she be willing to love someone determined to fail? Will he still love her after he finds out her past--and her possible connection to his sister's trouble?

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed the peek at what the early stages of West Point were like. I think the history of the military academy is interesting especially since so many of our great generals got their start there. This book actually mentions a few--especially General Lee in this book.

I enjoyed watching Lucinda mature and change throughout the book and get to the point where she was willing to sacrifice everything she called her own in order to be honest and true. Her father was a piece of work for sure! Seth was quite hilarious in his hi-jinks to get demerits--especially since it went so against his nature.

I thought the book was well done, though not quite the style of some of Siri Mitchell's other books. It was actually surprised for I didn't enjoy this one as much as most of her other novels. I guess that maybe the characters weren't as...filled out? I can't quite put my finger on it.

Out of the books I have read recently, this one isn't as high. I just didn't have as much as a "wow! That was a great book!" feeling. It was just an average good book. Would I still recommend it? Of course. It wasn't bad and I know that I'm more picky than some.

Flirtation Walk
by Siri Mitchell
ISBN # 978-0764210389
Available as Kindle and Paperback
Professional Reader

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