June 4, 2016

Mom's Marvelous Honey Mustard Salad Dressing Recipe {Fresh from the Kitchen}

This is the time of fresh produce! We have salad and greens just coming out our ears here on the farm. We pick fresh every other day so salad is a part of nearly every meal right now. With our salad, we like to have fresh dressing to compliment the sweetness of the leaves. I don't like to buy dressing, because I have simply marvelous recipes. Our two favorites are Mom's Marvelous Honey Mustard Salad Dressing and Tangy French Salad Dressing. I decided it was time to share these with all of you so you can enjoy them too--beginning with Mom's Marvelous Honey Mustard Salad Dressing!

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When it comes to salad dressing, I like to keep it simple. If I can't throw it all in a blender, give it a whirl, I don't want to be bothered with it! So none of my recipes need any fancy tools except a blender! In fact, you could just put it all in a mason jar and shake it! It would also work with any kind of salad dressing shaker as well.
Loving my single serving jar for my Ninja!
A lot of salad dressing recipes call for fancy oils, but unless you have a personal preference for oils and want to use something difference, I always just use extra virgin olive oil in all my dressings that call for oil or salad oil. I have never had issues with flavor. Next in regards to vinegar. While you can use any vinegar really, I keep mine to either Red Wine Vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar, or Rice Vinegar. Usually I reach for Red Wine Vinegar. White vinegar can work and apple cider vinegar is too strong. 

So here we go!

Mom's Marvelous Honey Mustard Salad Dressing


3/4 cup salad oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
3/4 cup vinegar (Red Wine Vinegar)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. dry mustard
Dash ground pepper (fresh if possible!)
1/3 cup. honey (raw if possible!)
1/2 tsp celery seed
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder

Put it all in a blender (or a quart jar) and give it a nice long whirl to get it all mixed up. I store mine in a salad dressing container or a mason jar. Both work perfectly fine.

Side note: I highly recommend you dip your finger and taste your final result. Depending on what type of vinegar you use, you may need to increase the amount of honey. When I make this exact recipe with Balsamic Vinegar, I end up having to increase the honey to 1/2 cup. 

Oh and this recipe is a FABULOUS marinade! I love soaking some chicken in it--especially overnight and then throwing it on the grill. Oh man. It makes the BEST chicken and then serve it with a fresh tossed salad! Super healthy and oh so fabulous.

Want it to print off?
Click here for the printable Mom's Marvelous Honey Mustard Salad Dressing Recipe!

I hope to be bringing you my Tangy French Dressing recipe this week too!

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