June 17, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer {Book Review}

Karen Witemeyer is one of my top 5 favorite authors for Christian fiction and one of the top three for COMEDIC fiction. I just adore her clever wit and hilarious escapades for her "take-me-as-I-am" characters and have ALWAYS recommended her books. She is one of the only authors that will make me laugh out loud while I am reading--so I am quick to snag any of her new books. I was tickled to have a chance to review her latest release No Other Will Do, the first book in a new series called Ladies of Harper Station. I looked forward to the joy that I was sure it would bring me!
No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer~ Book Review

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About the Book

No Other Will Do by Karen Witemeyer is set in Texas in 1882. Emma Chandler was raised by suffragette aunts who encouraged her endeavor to not only become a female banker, but establish Harper's Station, a women's colony for females in need. Problem is that it's 1882 and those aren't things that many men are too keen on, but in this town, men are optional! Problem is, there is a dangerous shadowy assailant trying to drive the women out--Emma thinks they might need a man after all...but only one man is worthy of her trust.

Malachi Shaw is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Alone since he was 10, he has clawed his way to the top of his field as an explosives expert for the railroad to finally earn the respect he's always craved. But one day, he receives a telegram from Emma--the girl who saved his life 13 years ago, his angel...and she needs his help. 

My Thoughts

I feel like it's been forever since a read a Karen Witemeyer, but then I remembered I read one of her short stories (The Husband Maneuver) in a recent novella collection With This Ring? which I reviewed a couple months ago. But I was definitely ready for another full length novel! I always get excited when a new series gets started, so I was more than ready to dive into this one. 

As most of her books due, No Other Will Do began with the action right from the first chapter. I just love books that don't beat around the bush and just throw you into the action, don't you? I fell in love with both Emma and Malachi right from the start. It's funny because you KNEW how the book was going to end--but it was fun to see how Emma and Malachi got there. 

I think I love Malachi a bit more than Emma. It was his quirks and insecurities. The way he kept food back from his meals even as an adult--a habit he picked up when a child alone and never sure where the next meal was going to come from. He also reminded me a bit of my husband in his personality--and I totally see myself in Emma. Her endless desire to see good in everyone and to take care of everyone. 

The story did have something about it that made me feel like I had read it before--but then again, you read enough books, and you are SURE to stumble across similarities sooner or later! The plot kept me interested all the way through--even when i was sure I had the perpetrator pegged. 

I am glad that this is a new series--I want to visit this town again. I have a feeling our next story is going to be about Emma's friend Victoria and the freighter Ben. And maybe there is a story ahead for Grace. I can't wait to read them! Karen Witemeyer books always leave me happy and satisfied, and this one wasn't any different.

One of the most satisfying books I've read all year! I love her happily ever afters and the journey's the characters make to get there. Malachi Shaw is my favorite male character of the year so far and the book gave me nice warm fuzzies. I absolutely recommend it to anyone wanting a feel good historical romance!

No Other Will Do (Ladies of Harper Station Series: Book 1)
by Karen Witemeyer
ISBN #978-0764212819
Available in Kindle and Paperback
If you haven't tried out Karen Witemeyer, make sure you go to your library and check her out! I have yet had someone tell me they didn't like my recommendation!

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