July 1, 2016

A Peek Into My Week~ July 1

We've had a fairly busy week, so I thought I'd let you know what has been going on here on the farm. It's not highly exciting unless you are involved with it, I guess. But sometimes it's nice to know what someone else's days are like!

This week has been all about catching up on stuff. Love-Of-My-Life took vacation this week to try to get caught up on farm stuff that gets pushed to the side during hay season. So he's been doing all sorts of work on the trackhoe to prepare the railroad ditches for the new fence going in. He's also been "bushhogging" in the fields to take down all the weed invasions growing on the edges.

I have been catching up on gardening. It was past time to stake my tomatoes, but working with Baby Britches we got it done and now all the tiny tomatoes are able to get sun and grow. We also added epson salt to our peppers since it was time for that as well. Epson salt is supposed to be fabulous for peppers and tomatoes. We will do the tomatoes next. We also attacked the weed situation that got out of control when we had the 6" of rain in one week. Now we can actually SEE all our plants again and discovered quite a few treasures in the making. The garden look soooo much better now. We are also starting to harvest things--like our beets and carrots!

With school, we are continuing our 3 days of school until noon, and 2 days off during the M-F school week. This allows us to get done the review materials we have to work on, but give them plenty of outside time. The only thing that is mandatory for all 5 days is 20 minutes of reading. Next week, we will be adding in a new review product called Foreign Language For Kids By Kids. It's a new curriculum with DVD's, workbooks and games. We will be using the Spanish edition. 

We are also continuing to use ArtAchieve and doing one lesson per week. The review for that program kicks off next week. Little Britches will be happy to say good by to his penmanship for the rest of the summer when my review for Laurelwood Books goes LIVE. He likes our rule that we only do the review product until my review goes live--at which point he can choose whether or not he wants to continue it. So far, the only one he wants to continue is Veritas Press.

I am catching up on house stuff. I have several places where things just have gotten built into piles that need to be going through. I tackled the piano, coffee table, bookshelves and kitchen yesterday. I'm avoiding the classroom. LOL. But when I do it, I have to TOTALLY reorganize for the next year and that's going to be a several day job. So I am ignoring it right now. LOL

At the end of the month, we will be going off to summer camp for 4 days, so I have a lot to do in preparation for that. My boys ALWAYS go through a growing spurt right before camp each year, so I am preparing for having to refit them for new shoes. LOL. I have learned the hard way...don't buy new sneakers until the week before camp! 

This week we also enjoyed receiving two new review products through Timberdoodle. They have been a big hit for both boys because they are more creative games and not curriculum. Have you ever hear of Simbrix or ThinkFun's Circuit Maze? If Little Britches got up early this week, we always came in to find him working on the Circuit Maze. I look forward to sharing my review on those two products later in the month. 

This week, I shared reviews on Veritas Press and NotebookingPages.com. Did you read them yet? They are both things that we have enjoyed and plan on continuing throughout the upcoming school year. I have a couple book reviews to knock out this weekend. All of them are Christian fiction--but not by the same authors, nor the same type. So be watching for those as well. It's also time for a new recipe, but I am still trying to narrow down which I want to share. 

Finally, it is 4th of July weekend! Our county has a big fireworks celebration scheduled for tomorrow. It's quite incredible actually. One of the best I've seen. And with our farm being the first big one out of town, we get the BEST seats in the house for watching it....just right in our very own pasture!

I hope you have a simply fabulous weekend. Stay safe!

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