July 20, 2016

Live the Adventure and travel to Ancient Rome with Beric the Briton {Product Review}

Ever since we were first chosen to review an Heirloom Audio Productions audiodrama, we discovered that they were a perfect match to our family. We love HEARING the adventure as we travel in the car and it's something we all enjoy. We've been blessed to have been on the review list for ALL of the audiodramas they have produced thus far, and I was so glad to once again be able to review their newest product Beric the Briton!
Beric the Briton from Heirloom Audio Productions {a review}

About the Product

Beric the Briton is the FIFTH installment in the audiodrama collection of adventures based on the classic adventure books by G.A. Henty produced by Heirloom Audio Productions. Beric the Briton takes us back to the days of Ancient Rome during the time of the Roman conquest of Britannia during the first century AD. The story follows the life of Beric the Briton, a young man who takes on the incredible power and might of the Romans. Rising to fame in success in battle against the Romans, he then is captured and rises to fame again in the gladiator world in Rome itself. Conflict arises when he is introduced to the forbidden Christian faith and he must decide how far he is willing to go for what he believes in. 

Beric the Briton has the voice talents of greats like Brian Blessed (Star Wars, Tarzan), Brian Cox (The Bourne Identity, Braveheart), Tom Baker (Doctor Who), Honeysuckle Weeks (Foyle's War), Cathy Sara (Downton Abbey), John Rhys-Davis (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones) and more! Emmy-Award winning composer John Campbell contributes a fabulous original soundtrack. With full movie sound effects, this isn't just any old audiodrama--it's an ADVENTURE!
Beric the Briton is a 2 CD set (2 1/2 hrs of story) for $29.97 and comes with instant access MP3 download. You will also receive the following bonuses:

1. The complete Beric The Briton eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter (50 page PDF)
2. A beautiful, printable copy of the inspirational verse as quoted by Julius in Beric the Briton which can be framed.
3. The Official Beric the Briton Soundtrack MP3 download.
Perfect for ages 6-100+, this is a high quality production, you don't want to miss!
We were given the 2 CD set, and the bonuses to review with our family.

Our Thoughts on Beric the Briton

When I showed the boys the audiodrama package, they immediately noticed the lion on front and were asking if it was going to have lions in it! Because I didn't know, I simply said that we would just need to make sure we listened to it to find out. LOL. We prefer to listen to the audiodramas in the car where I can make sure we have everyone's attention for a period of time. Needless to say it was the listening choice for our very next trip into town. 

As before, the story opens in "present day" with Mr. George writing to the characters Ned and Harold--two boys he met back in the first audiodrama (Under Drake's Flag)--about how he was on his way to a new adventure in Egypt and couldn't wait to tell them all about it--but in the meantime was going to share a story about Ancient Rome...and that's how the story gets started. 

As usual, the high quality of the audiodrama sucks you in immediately. We love the soundtrack with its movie quality effects that surround us with the sounds of a swamp or the clang of swords in battle or the roar of the crowd in the Colosseum. The actors and actresses are so talented and bring us into the story so well. 

In this story, we were able to introduce the boys to Queen Boadicea and Emperor Nero in this story. I was so excited when I heard Queen Boadicea in this adventure! I LOVED learning about her back in world civ in college, so it was cool to hear her play a part in this drama. The historic characters involved in this audiodrama really opened up some conversations. We spoke about who was fictional and who was real. We spoke about the challenges of being a Christian in Rome and what the Apostles were going through living during the time of persecution. 

The boys both agreed (me too!) that the most exciting part of the audiodrama was Beric in the Colosseum as a gladiator. Oh how we waited with bated breath as we listened to the scene play out! It was simply fabulous and I think that particular portion is what made it the "best one yet". 
Both boys agreed that this was their favorite audiodrama because they said it had "way more exciting adventure stuff!" I think it was the best so far because it really made some fabulous rabbit trails. My oldest wants to know more about Ancient Rome and especially about the gladiators.

Now, Beric the Briton also comes with a downloadable eStudyGuide. While I don't choose to use it WHILE we are listening, I do like to pull it out and pick some questions to ask them after we listen to chunks of the story. They are great for checking comprehension. I also love the "thinking further" sections which take it beyond the story--like reading a poem about Boadicea, reading biographies, going to maps, recipes (!!), and more. I enjoyed having it accessible on my Kindle.

Another thing that I really liked, was being given the mp3 version of the audiodrama as a bonus and I was able to have the audiodrama with us everywhere without having to keep track of the CDs. I played it on my Kindle during lunch a couple days to catch us up!

Would I Recommend Heirloom Audio Productions?

100% yes. It is a great product for all ages and it will be enjoyable for everyone. Not only does your child get to enjoy a great story, but they get to dabble their toes into history and meet some historical figures for the very first time! We have consistently found that the audiodramas were things we spoke about months after we listened and especially when we ran into a similar topic later. For instance, somehow my oldest learned that there was a movie called Braveheart and it was about William Wallace--and he remembered that this was what our In Freedom's Cause story was about. Recently he saw a preview to the new Ben-Hur movie and recognized the Colosseum and Rome thanks to the descriptions of it in Beric the Briton. So it's a great way to bring history to LIFE for your family!

Want to Know More?

We absolutely enjoyed our review of Beric the Briton from Heirloom Audio Productions! I hope you will pop over and check out what the other 99 reviewers thought about it!
Beric The Briton Heirloom Audio Productions  Review
Heirloom Audio Productions is ALWAYS chatting about their fabulous audiodramas and are quick to spill the beans on any of their new products, so make sure you follow them on these social media outlets:

We just love the audiodramas that Heirloom Audio Productions creates and I do think that Beric the Briton has moved up in the ranks as being our favorite. I know it definitely opened up some rabbit trails for us to follow, and Little Britches is eager to learn more about Ancient Rome and the Gladiators because of it.
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