July 27, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Kissed by a Cowboy by Debra Clopton {Book Review}

It is very hard to find CLEAN contemporary fiction books. It just is. I'm not a huge fan of contemporary novels, but every now and then I get a "wild hair" and go for them. Because picking up a novel free from the world's smut is very important, I tend to stick with Christian Fiction for my contemporary reading selections. There are a few authors in this genre that I have come to love for their skill in writing contemporary novels--one of these is author Debra Clopton. I was recently given her latest novel to review from the Fiction Guild, and I dove into it.

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About the Book

Kissed by a Cowboy is the third book in the Four of Hearts Ranch Romance series. The series focuses on the three Monahan brothers living in Wishing Springs, TX. Book 3 gives us a story about the oldest of the three brothers, Jarrod. Jarrod is your typical oldest child--burdened with heavy responsibilities in taking care of family including his grandfather Pops who is succumbing to dementia. Trying to keep the family ranch afloat after his dad bankrupted it to pay off gambling debts has been a long hard road, but he's finally moving ahead--except there are rustlers to deal with. Dealing with all of that keeps him way too busy to take time to seek a romantic relationship. He was in love once, but he ran scared and lost his shot at happiness.

Enter Cassidy Starr. She grew up next to the Monohans, living more often than not with her Aunt Roxie at her strawberry farm. Now after a painfully dreadful divorce, she's back in town and ready to pick up where her aunt left off running not only a successful organic strawberry business, but opening a bed & breakfast. She is absolutely 100% done with love and ready to live like her aunt as a happy, independent SINGLE woman. Trouble comes in the form of former sweetheart, Jarrod who has decided to change her mind.

My Thoughts

Oh my. I fell in love with Cassidy from the opening scene where she gets herself good and stuck in the pet door of her new home in the middle of the night. I mean seriously. HILARIOUS! And then to make matters worse, the person who finds her is no other than her old sweetheart Jarrod. My what a pair. I definitely enjoyed the chemistry that flew between these two.

As someone who prefers to purchase organic products, I enjoyed the bits about Cassidy's challenges with becoming an organic farmer. It made me understand even more why there is such a cost difference in the two types of products.

This is the third book in the series, and while I think it stands on it's own perfectly well, it definitely made me want to go back and check out the first two books. I wanted to see the behind-the-scenes pieces that brought the other couples together and set the stage for this book.

Characters in this book were delightful. I enjoyed the bantering between the brothers and sister-in-laws, and the challenges of having to take care of an elderly grandparent suffering from a mental illness like dementia. My grandpa suffered from it, so I absolutely related to the portrayal. I think that the hesitation on Cassidy's side for any relationships was also well done. Some might thing it was over exaggerated, but I have a brother-in-law who has a girlfriend so much like Cassidy--predominately in her leeriness of relationships, based on her parent's example.

I give Kissed by a Cowboy by Debra Clopton a solid four star rating. It was very enjoyable and i enjoyed the setting and meeting the characters. I thought the story was very flushed out and made you relate to each character very well. I highly recommend it for anyone seeking a heartwarming, happy ending type of romance. I look forward to seeking out the rest of the books in this delightful series.
Kissed by a Cowboy
by Debra Clopton
ISBN #978-1401690533
Available in Paperback and Kindle

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