August 6, 2016

A Week in Review for 7/31/2016-8/6/2016

I feel like it's been forever since I last posted anything! I have been so busy that this is my first chance I have had to sit down and write in over a week! So what has been going on? LOTS!

So the largest part of my week was taken up with our local pre-teen summer camp. By local, I mean--within 4 hours. LOL. This was the fourth year that I have been able to attend, and my third year to take on the lead counselor role for the G1 girls--the youngest girls at just 6 and 7 years old. I love summer camp. I have so many awesome memories of my years involved in summer camp as a teenager/young adult. My oldest son has been attneding with me these four years and was eager to get back to see his friends. This year, however, we had the addition of my youngest son at age almost 6. He's been dying to go since we went the first year. We were unsure at first if he was mature enough to handle it, but after observing him the last few months, we decided to let him go. If I hadn't been attending myself, I'm sure we would have had him wait.

And so all three of us headed to camp. But before we went, we had the pleasure of hosting some of our best friends at our house a couple days before camp. They drove up from Georgia and they were going to camp as well. Our house was the perfect stop over point, and we just don't see them enough. My friend has two boys age 11 and 5, so pretty much the same age--perfect playmates. They were so happy to be together, and I was tickled to have one of my best friends around for a few days before camp.

Finally this past Sunday, we got all of us loaded up and we headed out. It was like a mom vacation for me and my friend--I mean, no dishes, no laundry, no cooking---what mom wouldn't consider that a vacation from "real life?" LOL. Unlike me, my friend was going to be working in field games, but she was happy with the chance to be outside all day long and see all the different dorms come through. I was happy and eager to meet my dorm ladies. I already knew my two teen assistant counselors, so knew I had a great staff.
In my shirt and ready to go!
It was fun to decorate my dorm (stars and fireflies) and then prepare to meet the girls. I was so excited that this year I had seven of my girls from last year returning to my dorm...and they were very excited to see me too! We added 4 additional girls who were new to the camp experience for a nice rounded group. 
11 girls aged 6-8
The week was full of memories--hilarious, emotional, and frustrating. Being a mom of 11 girls for 3 1/2 days is seriously intense. There were some challenges, but with a lot of prayer and coffee I survived and had a wonderful time. 

My boys both had a lovely time too and have enjoyed telling me all about it! I am so glad we decided to send the littlest because he is full of information about his camp experience. 
Baby Britches on the far right
Little Britches on the far right with his dorm mates
We drove home Wednesday night, and I honestly just chilled out on Thursday. I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING because all the busyness and subsequent exhaustion set in! But I was back with my sweetheart and I decided to conquer the mountain of laundry if nothing else. Our friends left about 5pm on Thursday, so the boys enjoyed one last day together. 

Friday gave me a chance to finally just relax...EXCEPT it was someone cute's birthday! So Thursday night after both boys were asleep, I did the traditional door decorations. I love to see their faces in the morning when they discover it.

It's so hard to believe that my baby turned six. The time has gone by too fast and age 6 seems so much older than age 5! Our friends left him a gift, so we started with that. Later that morning, Little Britches told me to keep him out of the bedroom while he (Little Britches) built him a LEGO tractor.
Ooh. Perfect for a little boy

Giving thank you loves
With the mail arrived a birthday card from my parents...and $6. He was very excited.
"I got $6 because I am SIX!"
Later that afternoon, Love-Of-My-Life arrived with a present that Little Britches had him pick up while he was out...a new John Deere toy! His jaw dropped open and he danced around.

Once we got all of that done, I just finally got caught up with the laundry and kitchen. I planned a special birthday dinner guided by the requests of Baby Britches--hamburgers, corn on the cob, mac n cheese, sparkling cider and...his special cupcakes!
My measly attempt at The Flash cupcakes, was still well received
I was so thankful for the Sabbath beginning because I just needed a REST! It has been simply marvelous just spending time with my family and fellow brethren at church. Next week it's back to the "normal" summer routine as we continue to work on some curriculum to review. I also have four product reviews to write up, and FIVE blog posts for a special blog hop next week. Did I mention that my parents are surprising my boys with flying in next Friday? And that next Sunday we are throwing my mom a surprise 60th birthday BBQ? Needless to say, I don't know that this coming week will be any slower!

Have a lovely rest of your weekend! I will be posting maybe twice tomorrow. I need to share at least one product or book review, and chat about what posts are coming up next week. I will give you a one of 5 DAYS hops! So come back tomorrow!
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