August 18, 2016

FlipStir Puzzle from Enlivenze LLC {Product Review}

Puzzles. They are so good for the brain, but oy! Keeping up with all the pieces can be a bear! Did you know that there is a puzzle that is all enclosed and 3D? I was tickled to have a chance to review the Tyrannosaurus Rex FlipStir Puzzle from Enlivenze LLC with my family.

About FlipStir Puzzles

Enlivenze LLC likes to bring the smart together with the play through products that engage the brain while having fun. They think that even simple hand held games can be fun and inspiring. Enter the FlipStir Puzzle!

The FlipStir Puzzles are a unique self contained 3D style puzzle. How does it work? You will use the wand included inside the puzzle to make it all happen! Start by giving a shake to the puzzle to scramble the pieces; then using the enclosed wand, gravity and your own creativity, solve the puzzle and reveal the picture of the puzzle. FlipStir puzzles are geared for ages 7+.

There are five designs and two levels of puzzles ($24.95 ea):

Level 1
Rainbow Pencils
Tyrannosaurus Rex

Level 2
Solar System
Statue of Liberty
Periodic Table

We were given the Tyrannosaurus Rex FlipStir puzzle to review with our family.

Our Thoughts

When it came, I admit that it looked pretty easy. I figured at a level 1, you could just quickly pull it together, so I let Little Britches give it a try without me doing it first.
Just 10 pieces in this puzzle. Piece of cake, right?

Little Britches giving it a go
And that's when he figured out that while it looked like it should be easy...It was rather tricky! Here is a video I took of Little Britches trying to figure out how it goes...

He tried for about 10 minutes and then not getting past 3 pieces frustrated him and he gave up. I decided to give it a go. After a few minutes, I figured out the trick and after 10 minutes I had it put together.

Once you figure out the trick (mine was that you don't need to start it at the bottom) you will find that you put it together more quickly the next time you do it. Now I can get it together in about 5 minutes or less.

I think that it's a very clever idea and I love the fact that the pieces are all enclosed. The puzzle though simple in design was much trickier than initially expected, however, I think that with a little perseverance, Little Britches will be able to achieve success. The one thing that he mentioned as being a con--the pieces don't "stick" together once you match them up. He'd like it if they had a little tongue and groove like edge to stick them together. He got very frustrated when he'd have 3 pieces together and then tilt the container a fraction and have them all far apart again.

The only con that I really have myself is the price. It's a very very clever idea and would make great gifts...if the price point was lower. If possible, I would love to see this puzzle closer to the $10 range at some point. I PERSONALLY wouldn't pay more than $10 for this product.

Want to Know More?

We reviewed the Tyrannosaurus Rex FlipStir Puzzle from Enlivenze LLC with our family. We enjoyed the challenge of the Level 1 puzzle, but what did the rest of the team think about their puzzles?
FlipStir Puzzles Reviews
Stay up to date on the latest puzzles and activities from Enlivenze LLC by following them on these social media sites:

FlipStir Puzzle


Enlivenze LLC


This was a really a unique and fun puzzle to try out. I think I'd like to have some of the other ones to give a go. They would be great for road trips and really just make you think outside of the box to put them together. 
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