August 22, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: The Goodbye Bride~ A Summer Harbor Novel by Denise Hunter {Book Review}

As you know, I am not a huge fan of contemporary novels. I would rather just hid in historical fiction to get my reading fix. One of the authors that I am willing to make an exception for is Denise Hunter. I just love her style of writing and now seek her novels out. I loved her Summer Harbor series when I was introduced to it in the book Falling Like Snowflakes, and I determined to read all the rest of the novels in the collection. When I had the chance to review yet another Summer Harbor novel The Goodbye Bride for the Fiction Guild, I was eager to get back to Callahan family and hear Zac's story.

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Zac Callahan was on the verge of marrying the love of his life Lucy Lovett, when she vanishes without a trace just weeks before their wedding. It's been seven months since she left and he's trying to move forward with his life.

Lucy wakes up, after hitting her head on a floor, to find herself in a wedding dress she doesn't know, surrounded by people she's not familiar with, and in a city she has no recollection of ever moving too. All she knows is that she's supposed to be marrying Zac in a couple weeks. So why does she have an apartment in Portland, ME and why is she engaged to marry someone she can't remember?! Where is Zac?

Lucy arrives back in Zac's life, vulnerable, homeless, and as much in love with him as ever. How come she can't remember the last 7 months of her life? What's going on? Is this Zac's second chance to be with the love of his life, or will Lucy's memory return and tear them apart again?

My Thoughts

I really fell in love with the Callahan brothers in Falling Like Snowflakes and was eager to read Zac's story as it sounded like it was a humdinger! I really enjoyed The Goodbye Bride right from the first chapter. I LOVE how Denise Hunter opens the story immediately with Lucy's "awakening", as it sucked me in right away.

I enjoyed "visiting" with the Callahan brothers again and seeing Beau and Eden from the first book again. I think Denise does an excellent job keeping each book separate, but still sharing threads of the story. Going with a family of brothers makes it easy I think! LOL!

I really liked Beau and Eden, but I think I like Lucy and Zac even more! They both were in love with each other so much, but with Denise writing the story so we see Lucy's thoughts and then Zac's thoughts, it allows us to see all the doubts they each had in themselves and each other. I appreciated how Denise kept the secret behind Lucy's memory loss hidden until much much later in the book, to build up the anticipation and speculation.

Another aspect of the book I liked, was the setting up of the third book in the series (Just a Kiss, coming out soon!) with the third brother Riley. I just love it when author's do that (subtlely, not brazenly) because it makes me wait for the next book with baited breath. 

I really really liked this book. The plot sucked me in from the get go and the characters LIVED on the pages. The story was so good and drew me in to the lives of each character. Yes, even needed tissues. I thoroughly recommend the Summer Harbor series to anyone looking for new books to try--and really, just give Denise Hunter a go! You won't be sorry!

The Goodby Bride
by Denise Hunter
ISBN #978-0718023737

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