September 30, 2016

He Will Collect {Five Minute Friday}

It's another Friday--and not just any old Friday, but the last one of the month--which happens to be the last DAY of the month. I can't believe that October begins tomorrow, can you? But as it IS Friday, it's time for my weekly Five Minute Friday post! I was stumped for a little while on today's word...
He Will Collect {Five Minute Friday}

To collect. 
To gather.
To me, the words are really inter-changeable. Both refer to the same thing.

Tonight as I was thinking about this word, I started thinking about how God promises over and over in the scripture that one day He will GATHER His people. Sometimes it feels like we are scattered here and there. Evil surrounding us. Hearts broken. Despair running rampant. Like God has forsaken this world. 

So I found a wonderful verse that really captures this...
“For a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with great mercies I will GATHER you." ~ Isaiah 54:7
Nature and Verse: Isaiah 54:7

It's a promise! God has promised that although it seems like He's turned His back on the world He created (and honestly, He does say over and over in the scriptures this will happen to those who are disobedient and rebellious like the world at large), He has greater plans for the future. 

In His incredible mercy, He WILL gather His people to Him. He will COLLECT His people. Collect, a child gathers precious items. Like we collect and gather the things that matter most to us. The treasured things. The things of high personal value. 

He WILL gather us to Him one day.
It's a promise from God.
Rejoice in this and eagerly await that day!

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I hope you and yours have a blessed weekend and kick off to the new month of October! Unlike last weekend, fall is actually here! I just love the cool weather and foggy mornings. We've had the loveliest damp autumn days lately. I was so happy to pull out my jeans again! This is really my most favorite it yours?

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