September 3, 2016

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

Pumpkins. Sweaters. Hoodies. Jeans. Boots. Football. Cinnamon. Apples. Crisp mornings. Cool nights. Red. Gold. Rust. All of these things a part of my favorite season of the year...Autumn! I have so many friends who are obsessed with Pumpkin Spice everything, that I felt the need to make them this graphic.
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Gift Ideas
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Here are some delightful items paying homage to the favorite flavor of the season:
For the hard core lover, perhaps they need to warn everyone they are coming with this My Blood Type is Pumpkin Spice Latte T-shirt. LOL. I know more than a few friends who should be sporting this the whole season!
Maybe keep it more generic with this darling shirt giving homage to the real autumn Power Couple! I think it's darling and it comes in several different colors. 

One of my most favorite colors is Pumpkin, so you can imagine how excited I get about fall colors and all things pumpkin. And I just love ALL the fall colors together. My mother-in-law is a serious crocheter, and I love it when she pulls out fall colors like this chunky Pumpkin Spice yarn to start a new afghan or scarf with. Put that with a delightful olive green, or school bus yellow, or racecar red and I would be wearing it all season!

Should I even mention all the specialty scents exclusive to autumn that companies bring in? While I am not a fan of EATING pumpkin spice, I ADORE the smell! I would happily lather up with this Pumpkin Spice Herbal Soap from Plantlife. Yum!

You know you want this mug! I mean seriously. If Loving Pumpkin Spice Is Wrong, I Don't Wanna Be Right is the motto for so many people this time of year! LOL! Your PS loving friend will thank you with a smile for gifting this to them! 

Do you love pumpkin spice everything? I love the spice, but I'm actually not the biggest pumpkin fan. I do love APPLE everything which is also found abundantly this time of year. I just ADORE the Cinnamon Apple doughnuts at the local Tim Horton's coffee. Oh man. Delicious! And cinnamon and cloves--oh my. Those scents just can't be beat. My favorite cooking spices too!

Interestingly enough, although the weather for this weekend is very fall-ish with the warm/hot days and the cool nights, we are supposed to be back into summer again next week with 5+ days of 90 degrees. I think we will definitely be having an "Indian summer". I really don't mind because I know my "real" fall will be here before I know it. And then I can bask in all my favorite scents, colors, and flavors!

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  1. I would love an Afghan in that pumpkin spice yarn! Wish I could crochet!

  2. I love pumpkin spice, but I'm okay waiting until October before getting into it! LOL Those t-shirts are so cute though. :-)

  3. oh... pumpkin spice, sounds like something you love. Can't admit to loving it under than in pumpkin pie filling. :) But the colour of that yarn is pretty. :)

  4. Oh yes I am a huge pumpkin spice lover and I am so excited for fall temps! We had some relief this weekend as well but we're headed right back up too...ick.


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