October 30, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Dawn at Emberwilde by Sarah E. Ladd {Book Review}

I recently was introduced to the Christian Fiction author Sarah E. Ladd, and quickly fell in love with her style. She is known for weaving a romance with intrigue, and putting them into lush and captivating settings of the countryside of England. When I had the chance to review one of her more recently published books Dawn at Emberwilde through the Fiction Guild, I hoped that it too would follow in this same pattern and be another great story to add to my growing collection.

Dawn at Emberwilde by Sarah E. Ladd ~ A Book Review
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About Dawn at Emberwilde

Dawn at Emberwilde is the second book of the Treasures of Surrey series by Sarah E. Ladd. At the center of the story is beautiful, free-spirited Isabel. Raised as an orphan at the Fellsworth School, she has risen to the ranks to be a teacher, in order to care for her younger sister Lizzie, left to her care after her father’s death. But just when she is sure of her future, a stranger brings news of unknown relatives and her small, predictable world is turned upside down—moving Isabel and her little sister to Emberwilde, a vast estate adjacent to a mysterious wood. Unexpectedly, two handsome men begin pursuing Isabel, and she’s forced to learn a dance between attraction, rules of courtship, and her heart. Through it all, Isabel will discover the key to unlocking the mystery of her past, may also open the door to her future.  And what secrets will she discover hiding in the depths of Emberwilde Forest?!

My Thoughts

I am always leery about starting a series in the middle. I hate being thrust into middle of a story, because far too many series have each book a continuation of the previous story. Fortunately, I never felt like I was missing pieces of a story with this book. I am suspecting that the series more shares locations, rather than characters, although I would have to go back and read the first book The Curiosity Keeper to be sure. 

I loved the way the mystery of Emberwilde Forest was woven into Isabel’s story. I think the story was captivating and I kept reading, without putting the book down. The relationship between Isabel and her little sister Lizzie was very sweet. I always like it when characters rub me the wrong way with their behavior—and Isabel sure had relatives that did that. Ooh how I wanted to bop her aunt! A sure sign of a good author when they can bring personalities to life!

I think the author did well with her love triangle between Isabel, Mr. Bradford, and Colin Galloway. I do so like good love triangles, don’t you? 

The author made the countryside sound so lovely. I could just picture the sprawling estate and the dense forest. I don’t like it when authors spend a long time on describing setting, but it was done tastefully in this book. And the cover just drew me in! I love a good cover and believe it is very important to the way I feel about the book. First impressions and all that.

All in all, I really enjoyed the book and look forward to going back and reading the first book in the series, as well as any future ones Sarah E. Ladd will write! I am actually in the middle of trying to get my hands on some of her other published books, because I enjoyed her style very much. I have discovered there will be a third book in the Treasures of Surrey series called A Stranger at Fellsworth which will be releasing May 2017!
Dawn at Emberwilde
by Sarah E. Ladd
Available in Kindle and Paperback

Here are some other books by Sarah E. Ladd that you can check out too!

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