October 28, 2016

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Scoundrel in Disguise by Shaela Kay {Book Review}

I remember when my friend Shaela first announced she was working on a book. She and I promised that I would review it for her someday. That someday happened last year when her inaugural book A Heart Made of Indigo was published! Needless to say, I was on the list again when the second book of the series came out--and I am happy to share my review of her book Scoundrel In Disguise with you!

Scoundrel In Disguise by Shaela Kay, Book Review
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About Scoundrel In Disguise

Scoundrel in Disguise is the second book in the Journeys of the Heart series by Shaela Kay. This book picks up immediately after the first book, with the character of Sarah Mendenhall--the sister of the lead male character in the first book. Sarah is now in London for a season and she has decided to enjoy it with the vow not to accept a single proposal, no matter what the gentleman's offering might be. She quickly becomes the most sought-after debutante! 

Enter Jameson Rex. Dashing. Debonair. Disinherited. He's in London in search of a wealthy wife, not by choice, but of necessity for the care of his 5 year old daughter. Problem is, it's been discovered that he was disinherited because of the knowledge of this daughter, and he's in disgrace--marked by society as a scoundrel, a rake...and unfortunately, an ineligible bachelor.

Out of necessity, Rex accepts a wager to woo Miss Mendenhall--the same much sought after debutante who has declared she will not wed anyone! Can he do it? Will he win her heart? Will he reveal to her the secret he's been harboring for 5 years in relation to his daughter?

My Thoughts

I was so happy to hear that Sarah was going to have her own story. She was probably my most favorite of all the characters in the first book. I even mentioned in my review of A Heart Made of Indigo, that I hoped she would get her own story! Sarah's character blossomed and grew just as I hoped it would. Her love of adventure and vivaciousness just jumps off the page. I also love all the interaction between she and Rex.

Jameson Rex is an intriguing character and appreciated how the author had him dealing with the balance between protecting his daughter's reputation, and taking the hit on his own. He was always having to weigh it out and decide where to make the sacrifice. I like him with Sarah and think the author did a great job of giving them balancing personalities.

I really had to remind myself that this wasn't one of my other favorite authors. Why do I say that? Well it was so well written, you would never know Shaela's a rookie still! This book definitely flowed much better than the first, and it was a good one too.
This book definitely earns one more star than the previous one, because it really was very well done. If you enjoy a good historical romance--and this one ISN'T an Christian Fiction--so don't let that stop you if you prefer to avoid CF, make sure you give Scoundrel In Disguise a read!
by Shaela Kay
Available in Kindle and Paperback

I really enjoyed reading this book, and am eager to see what else Shaela has in mind for characters from this series. I know I would enjoy getting a peek at Sarah and Rex again someday!

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