January 6, 2017

Check Your Connection {Five Minute Friday}

Hello and Happy Friday!
I started participating in the Five Minute Friday link up towards the very end of the year last year, and I am excited to spend an ENTIRE year linking up for 2017. Hopefully I will have 51 blog posts all inspired by 51 different words by the end of 2017! So let's get started as I join Five Minute Friday with this week's word...Connect.

Connect makes me think of connection. 
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It actually brings to mind a scene from last night's episode of The Crown. In the episode, it featured an old fashioned calling center with all the call girls hooking up the cables into the correct slots to allow two people--Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth--talk to each other. If they didn't have a good connection, they would not have been able to hear each other. The call girls might have put the cable into the wrong spot. Or the wire might have been loose. So it was very important that they make a good connection.

How is your connection with God? Are you plugging in daily? Are you on a secure one-on-one line? As part of our journey on this earth, we are to be strengthening that connection. Making a relationship through our connection. The best connection we could ever possibly make, is one with God the Father.

Our minister gave us a GREAT "connection assistance" document this past week, in a Spiritual Growth Training Workbook. 
With it's 52 weeks of assignments--and daily spiritual writings, it is definitely a "manual" for making my connection the best it can be!

So why not start the year by checking YOUR connection with your heavenly Father?


I hope you have a simply marvelous weekend!
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