January 10, 2017

SchoolhouseTeachers.com~ A Homeschooling Treasure {Favorite Product Review Revisited}

There is a special treasure among homeschooling resources. It's a HUGE resource, and yet few homeschooling families are familiar with it. Full curriculum. 300+ courses. Video classes. Basic and elective subjects--even foreign languages. Pre-school through High School. Lessons Plans. Transcript help. Record keeping. Everything a homeschooling family could ask for! What is this treasure? The yearly membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com!
SchoolhouseTeachers.com ~ A Review

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I initially learned about SchoolhouseTeachers.com back in 2014, when I was accepted to the Homeschool Review crew for the first time. I was BLOWN AWAY at all the courses they offered. And created by certified teachers too! What a money saver this was to have so many options. You can read about the courses I used right away in my first ever Homeschool Review Crew product review

Since then, I have enjoyed visiting the website whenever I am in need of a new course or activity to add. But you know what? Sometimes I forget about the website. And then I am wandering through a whole host of other companies trying to find material--meanwhile, the curriculum I need is sitting nicely over at SchoolhouseTeachers just waiting for me to remember it's there! 

I recently discovered that my youngest (Age 6) was going to be completing his geography workbook--MUCH faster than I had anticipated--and I obviously needed something else to last us the rest of the school year! Enter SchoolhouseTeachers! I zipped over, logged in, and clicked "Browse by Subject", then found Geography!

This pulled up a lot of courses, so to narrow it down, I clicked the grade level "Elementary" and discovered NINE different courses I could choose!
Here are the first six options for Elementary Geography
Clicking on each course, I loved being able to see samples of the lessons before downloading, and discovered JUST what I was looking for in the All About About the World curriculum. This curriculum has EIGHT units that explore all aspects of introducing your child to the world--from basic learning of the continents and oceans, to identifying important landforms on each continent, to learning new geography vocabulary--and more! The best thing, is that I am able to teach BOTH of my sons at the same time. So easy to adapt to match their learning level! I spaced Unit 1 and 2 out--but especially unit 2 as we explored each continent--doing 2 continents per week.

Filling out his South America map

All the information needed for teaching the lesson
We are starting Unit 3 this week. I look forward to completing the curriculum and being able to issue each a certificate of completion! What a nice bonus that is!

Another area that I am using SchoolhouseTeachers--language arts! I am needing a good literature course for my oldest--and I am looking in advance for the next level (2nd gradeish) for my youngest son. Just like before, I went to the subject first (Language Arts) and then filtered grade levels. I like that courses include "traditional" style curriculums, as well as those like Charlotte Mason or lapbooking. I am still narrowing it down what we are going to be using, but having access to all of this with samples for me to check out, definitely makes it easier. (I think I am doing Little Language Arts for sure)

Did I mention everything is online and available for download? Yep, no need for storing extra curriculum! And the downloads are manageable--usually by lesson or unit, so you don't get stuck with HUGE files! And they are there whenever you need them! I love being able to download even from my phone to my new mobile printing friendly printer!

It is such a blessing to have a resource like SchoolhouseTeachers.com out there for us to use! I mean--one family--ONE PRICE. NO per student costs. It's so budget friendly! And there really ARE 300+ courses available for the whole RANGE of grade levels. And all styles. Montessori included!

So let's talk about how to get your family a membership!

Join during SchoolhouseTeachers.com's Super Christmas Sale and Save!

Use Code:CHRISTMAS for $9.95/month or CHRISTMASYEAR for $90/year.

You MUST take advantage of this ASAP because the 50% discount on upcoming price increase ends: 15 January 2017. As in this coming SUNDAY! So you don't have very long to still lock in the lower price! The promotion is to LOCK IN NOW at the $9.95/month rate so that you save 50% on the NEW prices. In less than a week, the same monthly service will be $19.95/month--approximately twice as much!

Still not sure about a yearly membership? Want to see MORE about how it can be used? Then please head on over to the anchor post for the Homeschool Review Crew's SchoolhouseTeachers.com review! 
High-quality, Self-paced, Online Homeschool Resources {SchoolhouseTeachers.com}
I encourage you to stay up to date on all the latest from SchoolhouseTeachers via their social media outets--so you will be the first to know about their sales, new courses, and updates!

Facebook * Twitter * Pinterest * Google+ 

As I did last week, I am going to be sharing a LIVE VIDEO of an overview review on SchoolhouseTeachers.com and what they offer a bit more in depth! So tune in tomorrow January 11th, at 3pm EST on my Farm Fresh Adventures Facebook Page, so you can check it out, and be able to ask questions I can respond to LIVE! I am hoping to be able to embed the video here once it's over--so you can still check it out later!


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  1. I am going to have to take a look at the All About the World course. We are heading into world geography next year!

  2. Omg! How am I just seeing this? I wish I saw this two weeks ago, sounds like what we need.
    Thanks for sharing!


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