June 2, 2017

Future and Hope {5 Minute Friday}

I cannot believe that this is the first Five Minute Friday post for June--because I am in denial that it is even June!! Hello? 2017? What are you doing to me?! This week the theme is "Future", and there is nothing more perfect for this, than a favorite scripture and song. So join me as I jot some notes over the next 5 minutes about "Future".


There is a song that I sing as a duet with my mom that has the most gorgeous words and it is based on one of my most favorite scriptures in Jeremiah 29:11-13. I encourage you to click on this link and then read the words as you listen to this most inspiring and encouraging song about a future filled with the love of God the Father.


Take no thought for tomorrow
Just trust Me for today
I will lead and guide you
As you follow in My way.

Let Me show you unfailing love
just come and take My hand
I will use you for My glory
according to My perfect plan.

I have plans for you
plans for good and not for evil
I have plans for you
to bring you a FUTURE and a hope.

As your Father and Creator
I know your every need.
You will find My love and mercy
as you follow where I lead.

I have blessings in store
greater than you ever could imagine.
I have love for you
More than you could ever comprehend.
As you keep your eyes on Me
You will clearly see
That I have great and glorious plans for you.

When you call upon my name I will listen
You are My child I know your every care
When you seek Me you will find Me
Just lift your voice in prayer.

I have plans for you
Plans for good and not for evil
I have plans for you
To give you a FUTURE and a hope
As your Father and Creator
I know your every need
You will find My love and mercy
As you follow where I lead.

I have blessings in store
Greater than you ever could imagine.
I have love for you
More than you could ever comprehend.

As you keep your eyes on Me
You will clearly see
That I have great and glorious plans
For I hold you in My hand
I have great and glorious plans for you.

I have plans for you.

Future and a Hope ~ Encouragement for 5 Minute Friday
Thanks be to God our Father that He made a way for us to HAVE a magnificent future through the death and resurrection of His son Christ Jesus. May we walk forward in faith--a complete belief AND trust--in God's purpose for our lives. For He DOES have great and glorious plans for you and me.


This is a double Sabbath weekend for us--Sabbath tomorrow and then Pentecost services on Sunday. It is so wonderful to be able to spend back to back days with our church family.

May you and yours have a most blessed weekend.

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