June 18, 2017

We interrupt this program to bring you the following announcement...

I am going to be not blogging as much for a little while, besides some required pieces. You see i need to let my hands heal. Unfortunately, I was bitten by a dog on both hands last night and spent several hours in the ER. I left with 5 stitches and admonitions to take it easy. Because typing is painful for me, I am going to have to limit it to the bare minimum until the pain goes away. 
me realizing i have to have stitches....
I ask for prayers as I go through this more annoying than anything trial. I am so thankful that no tendons experienced any damage, but the pain is simply horrid without my pain medicine--I know because i really feel it the last 20 minutes. 

I will still be sharing my reviews this week--but i don't know that I will do much more than that--depends on how well my hands heal up and the pain is managed. At least the main damage is to my left hand--not my dominate hand. But the puncture in the right hand was deep and is continuously sore. 

Thanks again for any and all prayers! I hope I will be able to have updates as the week continues and I visit my primary care doctor. I hope your Father's Day was lovely!

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  1. Oh no! So sorry. I've been bitten three times but never in the hands. Prayers for a quick recovery and pain relief. ❤️

  2. Not fun! praying for quick healing and that the pain goes away.


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