September 23, 2017

Adventures in Meal Planning ~ Week 3

Adventures in Meal Planning~ Week 3
Here we are at the third week in my adventures in meal planning this month. As I mentioned last week, this has actually been a surprisingly easy thing to add to my daily routine!

So let's get into how this week played out! dinner at my inlaws house as usual!

Monday ...I tried a new lemony chicken pasta recipe I had been saving. I absolutely loved how fresh and light it was---but other than the chicken itself, the boys gave it a big fat no. Which left me with a massive pile of noodles to eat....LOL

Tuesday...I took the noodles from the day before and the piece of chicken I had left and we went to my mom's house. We combined my chicken with hers, and then dumped my noodles into a pot of marinara sauce. *poof* upcycled dinner! The boys HAPPILY ate THIS dinner. We served it with green beans and bread.

Wednesday...was supposed to be a chicken dish. But I was already cooking a huge crockpot of tacos for the potluck we were having the next day--so my husband just asked if we could eat Tacos! Easy to do, so I turned Wednesday night into a big Taco Bar--complete with my favorite mexican rice, homemade taco seasoning of course, and all the taco toppings!

Thursday...we were gone all day worshiping the Feast of Trumpets with other brethren at church and since we had a huge combined potluck, we weren't too starving when we got home. So we just nailed the leftovers in the fridge!

Friday...planning ahead for Saturday, I did grilled chicken and steak. I marinated them in a fajita blend so they would be ready to go the next day. We served the grilled steak and chicken with fresh salad, corn, sauteed zuccinini, green beans, and fresh bread.

Tonight (Saturday)...I pulled out the leftover chicken and sliced it thin. I then turned it into fajitas by mixing it with green peppers and onions. Served with all the rest of the toppings in tortillas made it a great way to rehash yesterday's leftovers!

Next week is the last week of the adventure...and I think it's safe to say that I totally see the benefit of this routine and although I was very very skeptical about it, I am 99% sure I am going to make it a regular thing! But let's wait until the months over before my final analysis!

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