September 16, 2017

Adventures in Menu Planning ~ Week 2

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Week two of my 30 days of Adventures in Meal Planning and it's time for an update. Okay--so now we are more than half way in and I can confess something...

This experiment is going GREAT!

Seriously. I am just shocked at how low key this is! I thought it was going to be a big hairy ordeal and I would regret embarking on this experiment. But it has been so simple! I think the simplicity comes from the types of recipes I picked, and that I didn't micromanage breakfast and lunch. With keeping my focus on dinner, it has allowed me "freedom". So here is how this week's menu went...

Sunday night was a normal family dinner at the inlaws. No cooking for me which is always nice!

On Monday, we were given a gift--an instant Pressure cooker! Needless to say I was determined to try it out that night, so the beef stroganoff I had rescheduled for this week became instant beef stroganoff. It was my first time with the recipe, so there will be things that need tweaked--but it was still tasty!

Tuesday night was tacos! Once again I tried them in the Instapot. It worked pretty well--I just need to learn how to use it a bit more. 

Wednesday night I packed up my new gadget and headed to my mom's for dinner. Roast was on the menu, so I decided to see if this cooker could indeed do it in 25 minutes. We loaded it with potatoes and carrots and then the roast--and yes, it does! The roast was very tender and the vegetables perfect!

Thursday night is my open dinner night--so the boys and I decided pizza sounded tasty. We pulled out the organic frozen pizzas we always keep on hand. 

Friday night was planned out to be steak and that's what we did! Delicious rib-eyes, roasted root vegetables, green beans, bread, baked potatoes, spinach salad, and ice cream for dessert! We had my parents over and everyone proclaimed it delicious! My mom confessed that she loved being able to ask me THURSDAY night what was for dinner and know I would have an answer. Something she's never been able to do--or at least not very often. Remember, she's a planner. I am not. LOL.

Tonight we had frozen pizza again per my hubby's request. I didn't have anything but leftovers scheduled, so this wasn't a big change. Win-win. Everyone happy.

So there you go. Another week under my belt and another week of it being super easy to do. This week, I have a few more things scheduled that will take more time--lemony chicken pasta, chicken and biscuit skillet pie, a potluck dish needed for Thursday, grilled chicken with extra chicken to be used the next night for fajitas...yep, another week is ready to go. Now that I look at it--chicken appears to be the name of the game this week!

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