November 10, 2017

Adventures in Crochet ~ Project: Easy Ripple Afghan

Adventures in Crochet~ Project: Easy Ripple Afghan
I mentioned in my previous Adventures in Crochet post that I had purchased yarn to start working on some easy throw afghans for my sons. I also had said I might start them whenever I got tired of working on my crochet top. Well it happened. I needed a change. LOL. Besides, I couldn't wait to start using that fabulous box of yarn that arrived!

I looked at TONS of afghan patterns but the ones that kept bringing me back were the striped
ones. Now a "regular" stripe is rather boring--so I really loved the ripple design. Ripple though is sort of too curvy of a word--I like to think it's more of a understated zig-zag. LOL

The pattern is remarkably easy. Just a series of double crochets with a random 3stitch increase. But the design it turns out is quite lovely. 

I am using the Easy Ripple Afghan pattern by Ravelry crafter SusanB. All of the project pictures are beautiful. I love the different color combinations. I would be easy to make it with just varigated yarn or a single color, but I'm not afraid to mix up colors as long as it isn't too complicated! Thus I decided to go for a three color combo--changing every two rows. 

Allowing him to browse the Brava Worsted yarn from KnitPicks, my oldest son picked the colors grass, canary, and black for his afghan. Many would think these are Green Bay Packers colors--but we aren't a football family. These colors are John Deere. LOL. I traded out his black for Cobblestone Heather. I love the dark gray and knew it would look good with the grass and canary.

Looking at the directions, the standard size was a 40" x 60". That's a bit more narrow than I wanted, so I "guestimated" an increase to 50". That means I had to increase the starting chain--easy to do. Simply add on series of 16 stitches +2. I think I ended up with like 148 in my starting chain. I can't remember now! LOL. I just remember I kept losing count. (snort) Once the first row is done, you just repeat the second row over and over. Changing in colors when you desire. The creator suggested changing every 2 rows, which is what I am doing. I weave the colors in as I change which makes it MUCH cleaner and less work when I am done. 

This yarn feels amazing. So soft for a worsted. And it stitches up nice and tight. I really enjoy working with it. This yellow is totally my favorite shade of yellow. Like a dandelion. As you can see, I was able to knock out 5 rows pretty quickly the first night. It's gotten bigger and that makes it a bit more bulky. But I just love how it is covering up my lap slowly but surely. My youngest son looked at what I have gotten completed on his brothers blanket and has decided how he wants HIS colors to go. He picked his own favorite color combinations: blue, yellow, gray. I will use this canary shade for his yellow, but he is having trouble deciding if he wants a bright blue or a denim blue. I love the cobblestone gray, so I will probably just get more skeins of it as well.

The project says to have 12 oz of each of your 3 colors for a 40" x 60" afghan. I went ahead and bought 4 skeins of each which will give me extra yardage to compensate for my increasing of the size. Thus far I am about 20 rows in. I am in love! These colors look so nice together! I love it so much I am already buying the next yarn colors I need for an afghan. They also happen to be on sale over at Knit Picks (10-60% off each skein!)

I am really enjoying the process of completing this afghan. I can't wait to see it when it is all done! I imagine I will keep going back and forth between this project and my crocheted top, but I know they will eventually be done! :)

You can find me over at Ravelry and can see what projects I am working on. I also make use of Pinterest and have a whole board "Uncomplicated Crochet Projects" that I regularly add to.

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