November 25, 2017

Thankful Wreaths and Turkey Lurkey Cupcakes~ A Thanksgiving 2017 Recap

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Hello all! I hope you had a simply marvelous Thanksgiving! We had a low key one this week with my parents and brother. We are having the BIG one with my husband's family, when they all arrive next week. It's going to be a madhouse! LOL. I promised that I would share a few things that we did to make our Thanksgiving week fun.

On Monday, we began reading about Thanksgiving and how it came about. We read a few Thanksgiving books to give background about the topic--I did this mostly for my youngest. My oldest is very knowledgeable about it after
reading several history books on the topic. He can explain it in detail! LOL. We also started a Thanksgiving themed spelling unit for each boy using the grade appropriate activities and word lists from Super Teacher Worksheets. I loved all the different activities to reinforce the words!

On Tuesday, we read fun books centered around the Thanksgiving theme (also mentioned in my recent Thanksgiving activity post) and then completed more of the spelling worksheets. We also reviewed the Thanksgiving story. Our activity for the day was to make Thankful Wreaths. I got the basic idea off of Pinterest, but made it my own based on the supplies I had.



●patterned paper OR colored construction paper
●butcher paper OR paper plate painted brown with center cut out
●hot glue gun
●ribbon or Thread

1. Cut leaf shapes from the patterned or colored construction paper.
2. Write things you are thankful for on each leaf.
3. Crumple up, and then twist the butcher paper into a round shape. Hot glue the edge to keep it in a circle like a wreath.
4. Using the hot glue gun, attach the leaves to your wreath.
5. Add a ribbon or thread to the top to hang the wreath.
I think they turned out lovely! We hung them in our classroom and then my boys read their wreaths to my parents at Thanksgiving. It got several laughs as they revealed all that they were thankful for.

This year, I decided to have some fun and make a Thanksgiving treat for our meal--and so we decided to go with Turkey Cupcakes (you can find them on Pinterest here: Wide Eyed Turkey Cupcakes! We affectionately named them Turkey Lurkey Cupcakes because of their big eyes! LOL

They ended up being relatively easy to make--besides, I got to nibble on the organic "oreos" as I went! As a dessert they are actually very tasty with all the different parts. But many turkeys went "blind" as the day went on and little fingers swiped the candy. LOL.
All lined up and ready to decorate!
I found a delicious chocolate cupcake recipe and made her delicious chocolate buttercream frosting--plenty of it for the recipe AND it worked as "glue" for the decorations. The boys loved them and really they were fun and delicious.

All in all we had a fantastic Thanksgiving and we are actually going to be having another one with my husband's extended family when they all arrive the first week of December--so we get to do it all again!

I can't believe that December is just right around the corner--with the end of 2017 on its heels. Time just flies by anymore. Have a wonderful final week of November!

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