February 23, 2018

Adventures in Crochet: FibreShare, Crochet-A-Long, and WIPS

I must say that I have enjoyed my continued dive back into the world of crochet. I am totally in love with yarn and different fibers. I have learned about these lovely things called "indie dyers" which lead me to a whole world of absolutely delightful colors and textures! So let me catch you up on how my year long Craft-A-Long is going, the delightful package I received from my Fibreshare partner, and some current Work-In-Progress (WIP).

Crochet-A-Long Update

Moogly's Crochet-a-Long is progressing nicely! I have made the third block and boy it offered some challenges. I learned some new stitches
and had a lot of fun with it. I was really happy that I took the time to use my scrap yarn first though. LOL. 

It really looks good with the other two blocks! But you know what? I had to BUY MORE YARN for this scrap afghan! LOL. So after working on this block, I figured out how I wanted to do my color placement for my "real" block. And it looks great! 

Isn't it pretty?! I think it looks like a flower on the inside. I always worry about my color placement, but I was happy with this one!

The new block won't come out until next Thursday.I am eager to see what it looks like! I am really enjoying this challenge!

Fibreshare Update

So, I am so happy that I received my FibreShare package! My partner did a great job giving me a little of this and a little of that! It was all wrapped so pretty and even numbered!

New yarn from companies I have never heard of, adorable stitch markers, recipe cards from her home state, chocolate, an adorable box that says...FARM FRESH💚, and the coolest thing--she sent a pattern she designed herself with the yarn and crochet hook to make it! I had never used the weight of yarn (a mere 1) and the hook was a new style (which I am actually now in love with). I also love those stitch markers! I had plain old plastic rings. These are much more fun! You can see what one of them looks like here...
I needed to use it when I was working on my first stuffed animal creation.

My WIPs (ie. Work in Progress)

★I am slowly working on this Bunny Ragdoll. It uses very small stitches, so it will take me awhile to do it, but I will finish it eventually! I have the ears done! LOL

★Here is my work that I JUST finished on the stuffed Bunny Lovey. I am not fond of how he turned out as a whole, but it was a practice round so I can make note of my changes. Mostly the blanket part. And I clearly need to work on my facial stitching! LOL

★The blanket for my youngest continues to progress. I get a couple rows done each week. He's pushing me to go faster and work on it more---but it does get rather boring and seems endless. LOL. I promised I would have it done by the end of the month. No new pictures of that yet.

★And of course I still have the seamless sleeveless tunic I am working on for myself. I WILL finish it this month. No new pictures of that.

Since I have been enjoying crocheting lately, I had one of my friends make me a shirt that I just fell in love with, when I saw a different version of it on Pinterest. Here is the ones she did for me!
Isn't it cute?! The hook and the scripture are sparkly letters. It's probably my favorite shirt right now. :)

I am looking to try out the pattern my FibreShare partner sent, as well as finally get around to making my nephew the cardigan that I've been wanting to do. Maybe I will have that to share next week.

Have a lovely week! I have a new review to post next week, so make sure you come back to see me! :)

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