March 8, 2018

Adventures in Crochet: Crochet-a-Long and 100% Cotton Yarn

I am just really enjoying exploring crochet. There is something satisfying about finishing a project or exploring new yarn. I think crochet is a giving activity. I rarely desire to keep for myself what is being made. Right now out of all my projects only 2 are actually FOR me. I think that's why I enjoy it even more. In this post, I want to share another Crochet-A-Long update and my newest project in exploring the world of 100% Cotton yarn.

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Crochet-A-Long (CAL) Update

Okay, so since my last post, the newest block design has been released. It is a gorgeous block called the Crocodile Dahlia Square. But I won't lie. It intimidates me. In my CAL group, it seems EVERYONE has been having issues with it. It is very different in style in that you do the block
BACKWARD! If you have ever done a granny square you know that you always start in the middle and work your way out...but not so with this square! No, you start OUT and work your way in! And then it incorporates two more tricky crochet stitches: a crocodile stitch and a picot. I have done NEITHER, so that is one reason it sort of intimidates me. BUT I am determined that I SHALL prevail. I am just very glad that I have a scrap square to practice on before using my good yarn! I am hoping to have my first square worked up soon. I think the new square comes out maybe this Thursday. I like to be done with the previous one before the new one. But I know don't know how that will go...

Exploring 100% Cotton Yarn

So in my new explorations into yarn, I have discovered that a lot of the top designers for patterns frequently use cotton yarn for their creations. It's durable and washable! Now, I'm used to using it for washcloths or dishcloths, but I have only really used three varieties: Lily "Sugar & Cream", Crafter's Secret and Hobby Lobby's I Love This Cotton. The Lily brand, while very very popular is also...well, very very durable and thick. It doesn't make the softest washcloth. The same is true with Crafter's Secret. The I Love This Cotton is much softer, but it's also thinner. One of the primary places I see Cotton used is in making garments. Now based on my experiences with these three yarns, there is no way I would wear anything made with Crafter's Secret or the Lily brand cotton. Nope. And it seems like it would take SOOOOO much yarn to use the I Love This Cotton because it's thin.

Thus I decided to explore the world of 100% cotton yarn.

Crocheting while homeshooling of course 
I have looked on various crochet and knit designers' Instagram accounts and made note of the cotton brands used. Then I went to a few online websites and purchased one or two skeins in different brands. Now that I'm getting them in house, I'm working them up as washcloths (using the book above) to get an idea of not only how well they stitch up, but also how soft they are. I have used three *new to me* brands now, and am currently working with my fourth. I have two more brands arriving soon. Thus I will be able to give a comparison of NINE different 100% cotton yarn brands and let you know my findings. I will be continuing my trial of more too--including some MIXED cotton yarns.

The goal?

Find a cotton that not only stitches up well, but is soft and well...wearable! I have a few garment patterns I would like to attempt using cotton yarn, so I'm hopeful I will find what I am looking for. Once I have done my review--I will probably round it out to TEN different brands--I will be sharing it here. I also may do a video review for fun too.

As always, you can keep up with my progress on my Farm Fresh Adventures Instagram account!

Have a lovely rest of your week!

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