April 12, 2018

The Green Ember Book Series GIVEAWAY!

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Woot! Woot! Tomorrow is the big annual Cinncinnati Homeschool Convention and I am THRILLED to go. I get so excited for homeschooling just being surrounded by all the fellow "tribe" members and seeing all the amazing products and vendors! One of the coolest things from last year's convention was getting to meet S.D. Smith--author of the fabulous series The Green Ember! While I was there, I snagged all three of the books in the series--and then kept buying more and more as friends sent me messages to snag THEM copies. By the time I was done, I think I had purchased 8 copies of the full series of the books! LOL. S.D. Smith was naturally thrilled AND he autographed every single copy! Before I left for the day, he surprised me by giving me a COMPLIMENTARY SET of Books 1-3 in the series AND a Green Ember "Heather's Necklace" to GIVEAWAY to my blog readers! Well guess what? It's time!

The Green Ember series is a brilliantly written set of books about two rabbit extraordinary siblings (Heather and Pickett) with ordinary lives until calamitous events overtake them, spilling them into a cauldron of misadventures. They discover that their own story is "bound up in the tumult threatening to overwhelm the wider world. Kings fall and kingdoms totter. Tyrants ascend and terrors threaten. Betrayal beckons, and loyalty is a broken road with peril around every bend. Where will Heather and Picket land? How will they make their stand?"

I just love the beautiful vow...
"My place beside you, My Blood for Yours, Til the Green Ember Rises, or the End of the World."

There are currently FIVE books in the series:
The Last Archer (side story)

The most recent releases are The Last Archer (Dec 2017) and Ember Rising III (March 2018). 

These books are becoming much loved, best selling stories--book #1 over on Amazon has a rare 4.8/5 stars with over 1000 reviews! Classified as a "middle grade fantasy saga" they are excellent for your chapter book readers, or as a read-aloud for the whole family! They are full of inspirational quotes and encouragement of rising above fear and persevering even through the most devastating experiences. Lessons on loyalty. Dealing with betrayal. And the love of friend and family. 

If you do not have these books for your family yet, I encourage you to get them! They are exciting stories that leave you on the edge of your seat--especially if you end a chapter on the many cliffhangers! LOL

I opted to use these books for our read aloud and boy are they eagerly looked forward to! They HATE it when I end on a chapter that's a cliffhanger and beg and beg for just one more chapter! They totally have identified with Pickett and all the rising and falling emotions he experiences. We have laughed. I myself have cried. These books have definitely earned their permanent place on our bookshelves---and we will continue to snag more as they arrive! I plan on getting the two we don't have yet at the convention tomorrow!


To celebrate another Homeschool convention and the success of the series, thanks to S.D. Smith, I have books 1 thru 3 to give away to one lucky family! AND not only that--but I also have the beautiful "Heather's Necklace" to include in this giveaway with the books! What a beautiful reminder to always bear the flame like Heather.

I am not going to make it complicated--simply fill out this little nifty gadget below to get entered to win! The only MANDATORY entry is a blog comment answering: HAVE YOU READ THE GREEN EMBER SERIES YET?

Giveaway open to US residents only. Ends 4/19/2018 @10pm EST. 

Me and The author of The Green Ember series S.D. Smith last year

I hope that your family will enjoy these books as much as mine has!


  1. I haven't yet, but they look like fun!

  2. We haven't read them, but these books are currently on our "to read soon" list!!

  3. We haven't read them but they look great!

  4. We are about 2/3's of the way through the first book. Looking forward to reading more!

  5. We are currently reading the first book together as our read aloud.

  6. We haven't read them YET :) But placing on our "to read" list. I love the classification of middle grade fantasy saga. This is a thin category. There aren't a lot of books out there for middles that aren't snarky and have rude sarcasm. A rating of 4.8 out of 5 is outstanding. Looking forward to getting acquainted with these books and author!!! Thank you for the giveaway and giving us this reading suggestion. Time to start that summer book list !!!!

  7. I haven’t read this series yet, but I’m very intrigued!!

  8. We haven't read it. I am very curious an always seeking books gor us to enjoy!

  9. We have not read them as a family but one of my girls has read some of the series.

  10. I have not read the series but I've been wanting to. I follow the author on IG and I think he's great. I love your story of all the sets you bought.

  11. We haven't read them but they should like books my stepson might enjoy. (And we are always on the look out for books for him)

  12. I have never heard of these books, but now I am totally intrigued. I think my kids will love them.

  13. Ohhhhh. I have been wanting to get this series for my girls! We haven't read it yet but I've heard good reviews.

  14. I had never heard of them until today at the convention. They sound interesting.

  15. my son has read only 1 of the books, and he liked them!

  16. I haven't read them, but I think they would be a great read for our read aloud bedtime chapter books.

  17. Haven't read it yet!

  18. We haven't read these yet and what a thrill to get an autographed set!

  19. I followed you on Twitter, but did it manually, because I don't use the apps that access your stuff on their own. Here's my twitter address to check.

  20. I haven't read any of them yet, but they sound fantastic!

  21. I have not, but they look intriguing

  22. I haven't read them yet, but they look interesting!

  23. I have never read or heard of them before. I'm always on the look out for good books to add to our collection. My son loves to read.


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