May 18, 2018

Adventures in Crochet~ Pattern Testing, WIP, and FibreShare (Take 2)

It's more than time for another crochet update. I actually sort of stopped crocheting for a bit when the weather got warmer and we started kicking our gardening in gear. But I'm back at it as I try to finish a WIP (work-in-progress) and am working on testing a pattern for someone. Oh, and did I mention I'm giving another round of the FibreShare a go? I hope you enjoy this little bit of catching up with my Adventures in Crochet!

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Work In Progress (WIP)

I am thrilled to say that I am thiiiissssss close to having my seamless and sleeveless black tunic almost done. I picked it up a week ago, and am probably down to just the last 3" or so. It officially hits my belly button, so you know that I am almost there! I am mostly worried there will be too much "fabric" gathered on the sids as there aren't any decreases worked in. But I'm hoping a good washing and blocking will help with any sizing. I was determined to get this done, because I want to try a new one! I have learned a lot about YARN in the making of this project, so I have new ideas for the next time! I've got my eye on the Dulcinea sweater from Expression Fiber Arts. I simply love her patterns and she gives them free every week (every other for crochet and knit) before listing them for sale. I admit. I actually have a whole collection of patterns that I want to make "someday". But isn't that every crafter? LOL

Oh, and I have TWO books on crocheting socks now. I snagged Learn to Crochet Socks for the Family and Step Into Crochet. For some reason I feel like I won't be satisfied until I have made myself some socks! So I purchased TWO beautiful sock yarns and I'm determined I SHALL make me a pair of socks! I also bought some new Caspian Wood hooks (just two--one in each of my two favorite sizes)! I have wanted those for a LONG TIME.

Pattern Testing

I was THRILLED to be offered a pattern to test by another crocheter participating in the FibreShare. She sent me the pattern for a BEAUTIFUL summer shawl! I am using #1 weight super fine yarn (Woolike by Loops & Threads) for it, and it's just turning out so delicate and lovely! I'm over half way done with it now...I want to try to finish it this week.

Speaking of this yarn. Seriously. It's amazing. So soft. I have already used it to make a beautiful baby bonnet. I went and bought myself this red and then a white. I want to own it all the colors! I might use it to make a light summer garment or something.

FibreShare...take 2!

The time came for ANOTHER round starting for the awesome FibreShare trade! If you remember from earlier this year, I participated in my very first one with fantastic results! Not only was I given the most delightful crochet package of yarn and other goodness, but I had a blast creating my own package! I gained two new crochet friends in the process! I am eager to find out who my partner is this go around...I've got some things stashed already, and I have a few things in my cart on Etsy and other sites. I plan on finding a lovely Indie Dyer to get some hand dyed yarn for my partner too.

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