June 1, 2018

June is Busting Out All Over!

Happy June!
I always love the beginning of a new month. There are so many possibilities waiting to happen! I love the song "June is busting out all over" from the musical Carousel. It captures all the excitement that arrives with that first summer month! My June is definitely filling up with some exciting things here on the farm. Here's a run down of some of the larger things going on this month!

1. Product Reviews!

This weekend, I will post what upcoming reviews we are working on. Some of them are basic workbooks. One is an art curriculum. Another is an high school level art history curriculum. An elementary grammar and writing curriculum. There is a set of unit studies, and also a Bible Study program for kids! Make sure you check back on Sunday to read about what we have going!

2. Summer Break!

Okay, so it’s not a TRUE summer break. I still have to do 2-3 days a week to keep up with our review products, but that is only for 1-2 hrs on those days. Let’s just say I forgot how much time homeschooling takes! I was busy and then looked at the clock sure that it was almost dinner and it was only 2:00!! LOL. Needless to say the boys are not the only ones enjoying the time off!

3. Library Programs!

Our library kicked off their summer reading program this year with a great BUG program. The boys LOVED seeing the bugs and especially the spiders. My youngest has been quoting facts from the “bug man” ever since the program to anyone who will listen. I’m thinking we need a bug book for him to read…

We picked up our flyer with how we can earn tickets. My youngest finds it easier because he reads a lot shorter books. My oldest is at an adult reading level for the most part and he’s tackling big chapter books—so he won’t be able to mark off nearly as many. But the librarians gave me permission to count one book under more than one category, so that will help him out!

This Friday, the library is bringing in PENGUINS from the Newport Aquarium! The boys are thrilled and we think it’s going to be PACKED on that day. My niece and nephew from Arizona will be in, so my sister-in-law wants to take them to see them too.

4. Family Time

As I mentioned above, my sister-in-law is bringing my niece and nephew for a visit! They live in Arizona, so we don’t get to see them more than maybe once or twice a year. We are looking forward to it for sure! My niece is the only girl in the line of grandkids, so we love to spoil her rotten. My nephew is a little half-pint who has been walking since he was 7 months old! We are dying to smooch all over them. They ADORE my boys and my boys are quite partial as well. They are going to arrive on Tuesday, so we plan on spending lots of time with them while they are here. Being on our break will definitely help with that.

5. Summer Fun Days!

This summer we have trips in the works to the Cincinnati Zoo, the Newport Aquarium, and Kings Island Theme Park in Mason, OH. But only one of them is actually ON the calendar! LOL. My parents are eager to go to the zoo and aquarium. I actually haven’t ever been to this aquarium and I love those places. So we have to try to figure out when to do them this summer.

We also are going up to stay with some friends for a few days this month. Our kids love to play together and have been asking and asking about when we can get together.

And let’s not forget Father’s Day coming up! My dad wants to go to Fort Boonesborough. We tried last year, but someone got sick. So we are going to attempt it again this year! The weather will be hot, so I hope we can pop into the pool while we are there.

As you can see, my June is filling up rather quickly! I also already have things scheduled for July and August! Our summers typically make up for the slower time during the fall and winter. Now, throw in HAY SEASON and you really have excitement! There is always something happening on the farm during the summer.

What’s happening where you are?

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