August 6, 2018

Lessons from Arts & Crafts (Summer Camp 2018)

Arts and Crafts Lessons~ Summer Camp 2018
For the last several days, we have been enjoying our annual trip to our church pre-teen summer camp in Northern Ohio. This was my 6th year and even though I typically work as a counselor for the youngest girls dorm, I "got a break" and worked as activity staff in the Arts and Crafts class. This class is my second most favorite place to work because unlike most of the other activities that encourage working as a team and don't allow for much interaction, we interact ALL THE TIME with our kids that come through. Our usual job is to help these kids make their imagination become real using various craft tools. 

This year we worked on four fun projects--very optimistic for just two 50 minute sessions! The first session we helped each of the 80 kids make their tie-dyed shirts and then they worked with a blank white canvas board to create a frame for their dorm pictures. 

Making a photo frame canvas

 Their faces were always joyful when they came in to Arts and Crafts and learned about their projects. 
working on his tie dyed shirt
The second session was about learning more about God's vision for them and a focus on the future. We gave them 8x8 square birch plaques and then they dug in the scrap wood box to find a mountain shape to attach. Then they worked to create a landscape seen that included at least TWO if not all of the elements we had discussed: Mountain, water, animals, plants/trees. 
The adorable youngest girl dorm and yours truly

Hard at work painting and building and being CREATIVE.
Our activity leader had FILLED the room with containers of nearly every kind of craft object you could imagine: buttons, gems, rocks, twigs, greenery, pine cones, ribbon, string, beads, glitter, paint, tissue paper, markers, stamps, fabric--seriously. you name it and we probably had it! And unlike some art projects, we let the CHILDREN choose whatever they wanted to make their vision come to life. We simply were there to help make it happen with hundreds of hot glue sticks!

Once they were done with this project, they made toilet paper tube binoculars which they could decorate however they desired.

Arts and Crafts is always one of the top 3 activities for the kids at this camp, and with the plethora of craft supplies at their fingers, it's not a surprise. I know the parents are always thrilled with everything their kids make and bring home, but we believe Arts and Crafts is important for a child. And the statement one of our girl campers made during a class captures the WHY behind our arts and crafts classes...
"You know. I just love Arts and Crafts at camp. Here we are able to create our own versions of the projects and don't get docked points because we forgot something or did it different than the teacher wanted. We get to be unique and you guys help us create what's in our hearts."

This my friends--this is art at its finest and why it is so important to let children have the time to CREATE. My husband doesn't see the importance of Art in our classroom. What does it benefit? he wonders. Imagination. Creativity. Exploration. It is sooooo important. And this summer's camp reminded me again about why I MUST include it in our weekly studies during homeschool in some way. My boys, like the other campers we met, need to be free to EXPLORE. To follow their heart.
While I love being a counselor, getting to know ALL the campers on an individual level and helping them achieve their visions for their projects is something that makes Arts and Crafts unique from all the other activities. 

Not to mention working with a great and hysterically fun team of other women. 
The 2018 Buckeye Arts and Crafts Staff
Next year I will ask to be a counselor again...but I will grin and giggle if I "end up" in Arts and Crafts again. Time to get my glitter on.


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