September 14, 2018

Just Checking In to Say...

Just popping in really quick to let you know that I am here and have a whole bunch of posts I want to share with you that AREN'T review posts, but I am super incredibly busy right now. I am getting bogged down as we finish our harvest season here and also prepare to attend and worship at the Feast of Tabernacles in Florida in just 8 more days.
I am confessing that we haven't even kicked off our 2018-2019 school year officially yet, even though we've been doing partial days here and there. It's just been TOOOOOO crazy around here with all we have going on. Thankfully, with homeschooling, you get that freedom to adjust your schedule as needed.
There are some exciting things that I want to share about including being a founding member of the brand new Lewis County Homeschool Co-Operative which leads to a BUNCH more responsibilities on my plate--but it is going to be so worth it.
I'm hoping to have a chance to sit down and blog about some of the things I've got going on in life, around the farm, school, and a few recipes, but I don't see that really happening until I get home from our trip. But I hope you will still keep checking in with what we've got going on here on the farm.

Remember, that I am super active on Facebook and Instagram because I can share things much more quickly. So if you want to follow me over there, I'd love the support!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend--and if you are in the path of any of the parts of Hurricane Florence, I hope you stay safe and batten down the hatches! ;)

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