October 4, 2018

Books of the Bible At-a-Glance~ Summary Sheets for Every Book in the Bible {Product Review}

Books of the Bible At-A-Glance ~ Product Review
I’m always looking for resources to assist in my personal Bible study, and for our school Bible lessons. We’ve recently been able to review the Book-By-Book Bible Printables from Teach Sunday School, and I’d like to take some time today to share our thoughts on this Bible resource.

About The Product

Book-By-Book Bible Printables from Teach Sunday School are a resource designed to help you understand the Bible better. They are as the company describes “One- page cheat sheets for each and every book of the Bible”! Every page coordinates to book of the Bible—all 66 of them. The pages were designed to provide context to the book so you can better understand what is included in it. Each page provides the who-what-why-when-where details to give you a crash course summary on what to expect in the reading.

Each "At-a-Glance" Printable Includes:
Book Title
Book Number & Placement
Date Book Was Written
Time Period Covered
Claims to Fame
Famous Stories Included
Most Famous Verses
Important Points About the Book

The 66 page resource is a digital download available for just $19! But they are offering a SPECIAL deal where the first 250 purchases of the product can snag it for just $9! Purchasing the product also grants you unlimited single church and household reprint rights! Yes—you could print an entire set for each person in your church for just ONE PRICE!

Our Thoughts On the Product

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I really love the simplicity of this product. You can download whatever summary page you need for whatever you are studying. Or you could print them all out and have them on hand at any time. I like the idea of laminating them all and then storing them in a binder! 

I chose to download first, the two books of the Bible that we are doing our studies in: Genesis and Acts. My youngest is working through another curriculum right now that covers several stories in the Old Testament. He has some summary flashcards already, but these summary pages include even more information—like who wrote it, when it was written, and what the time period is throughout the book! My oldest is working through a curriculum that has him in the book of Acts. Providing him this resource to have on hand before he begins, and while he studies is very useful. I read it through with him, and then had him stick it in his curriculum notebook to pull out later for reference.

I think these pages would also be great for anyone working to try to memorize aspects of each book of the Bible. They are excellent study guides for things like Bible Bowl or Bible Trivia! I plan on eventually printing off the entire set of pages, but for now, I’m simply printing off the pages to correspond with my personal bible studies (Psalms and 1 & 2 Peter) as well as the pages for my boys. I think one of my favorite things is the "most famous verses" category! It's nice to see some family favorites included on the various book lists.

Because I am granted unlimited reprint rights for a single church, I am going to talk to my pastor about seeing if we can get a whole set made available for each member of our church as a gift. I think it would be very well received!

Finally—that price. $19? Totally worth it. And the idea that if you can get it for $9 if you are one of the first 250 who purchase it? Take advantage of it! Go do it! It’s an easy to use, ready to go Bible resource for your whole family!

Want to Know More?

We’ve been reviewing the the Book-By-Book Bible Printables from Teach Sunday School. You’ve seen how we are choosing to use this resource, but I encourage you to visit other crew members to see how they decided to use this product too!
These sheets are going to work perfectly with two other bible resources I have! It will be nice to have even more information at my fingertips as I study more of God's word!

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