March 31, 2019

Upcoming Reviews for April/May 2019: What Are We Working On?

My, oh my! We have definitely gotten into the heart of our product review season! After a slower start, I now have TEN upcoming reviews for April and May 2019! One of the things that I really like, is that the products are all over the board in their type and topic. I've got some history products, book reviews, science curriculum, critical thinking items, and more! Today I'm going to give you a rundown of the 10 Upcoming Reviews we've got in the house for April/May 2019!


1. Heroes of History- Ronald Reagan, YWAM Publishing
We are thrilled to have another Heroes of History literature-based unit study back in the house again! Our newest (the fifth one we've done) is going to be a biography of Ronald Reagan. My oldest picked him because of something we're doing in our history curriculum, and he really wanted to learn more about him. This review will go LIVE on April 8, 2019.

2.  Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High-School Paperwork, Everyday Education
This is the fourth edition of a classic resource, designed to help take the fear out of high school paperwork in order to make record keeping just a simple task before and after semesters. Making homeschooling not about the transcripts, but about homeschooling! While I do not have a high schooler yet, it is definitely in the near future and I am exploring this product to glean whatever I can to take the scary out of keeping and creating graded transcripts! This review will go LIVE the week of April 10, 2019.

3. Stop Motion Animation Kit, Stopmotion Explosion
Oh my goodness. My oldest (age 13) jumped up and down and begged for me to try to get this product to review--so you can imagine his excitement to learn we were going to be on the team. He's totally into making videos and has GRANDIOSE plans for this product when it arrives. Be sure to be following us on INSTAGRAM as I track his progress. Our review will go LIVE the week of April 15, 2019.

4. CrossWired Science
A new science company is always fun to explore! We are looking forward to exploring their initial projects Sound, and Fluid Dynamics. Science is usually a hit in our house, so I'm looking forward to this review. Our review will go LIVE the week of April 16, 2019.

5. Online Unit Studies, Techie Homeschool Mom
Love Unit Studies, but don't like having to collect all the resources to make them happen? Techie Homeschool Mom has designed Online Unit Studies to help you make unit study based education more doable for the busy homeschooling family! We are reviewing their Solar System Online Unit Study with both boys. Our review will go LIVE the week of April 22, 2019.

6. The Hamelin Stoop Series, 12 Gates Publishing
The Hamelin Stoop series is a new fantasy series for the middle grade/Young adult age range. Designed to help the middle-grade readers bridge that gap to the young adult books, this series has content at a higher reading level, while maintaining suitable content for all ages. We are reading the first two books in the series (of a potential 6-7 book series). Our review will go LIVE the week of April 30, 2019.


Also on our plate is a new-to-me history curriculum from Pathway to Liberty. Working through Year 3 of the four-year curriculum, we will be studying US History. The curriculum is a multi-aged curriculum, thus we will be doing Level 2 and Level 3, which contain age-appropriate activities for each student. This review will be going LIVE the week of May 6, 2019.

8. Critical Thinking Detective - Vocabulary Book 2, The Critical Thinking Co.
I am happy to have another excellent product from The Critical Thinking Co. in the house again! We've had great success with their previous products, and I am eager to start incorporating this product into our daily vocabulary practice. Our review of this product will go LIVE on May 8, 2019.

9. God Is Bigger Than Trucks, Christian Focus
We were thrilled when this new book arrived for us to review. It's not your usual A-Z book with the theme of vehicles--this one incorporates God and scriptures into the book as well. My youngest is looking forward to this one for sure. Our book review will go LIVE on May 20, 2019.

10. Nothing by Natalee Creech, WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group
A new beautifully illustrated children's book to explain how nothing can separate you from God's love. I am looking forward to flipping through what looks like will be a gorgeous book! I am always on the lookout for quality books to gift my nieces and nephews. Our book review will go LIVE on May 13, 2019.

Our review team is also reviewing products from Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), Rhythm & Writing, and during these months as well! While I am not on those product reviews, I hope you will still check out the products to learn more!


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