April 28, 2019

Upcoming Reviews for May/June 2019: What Are We Working On?

It's the last Sunday for April (woah!) which means that it is time for me to share what we have got in house for reviews! We've got some books, some history, some vocabulary, and more! We are really enjoying some of these and are looking forward to getting started with a couple we are waiting to arrive. In case you missed them, make sure you check out the April reviews of products from YWAM Publishing, CrossWired Science, Techie Homeschool Mom, Everyday Education, and Stopmotion Explosion.


1. The Hamelin Stoop Series12 Gates Publishing
I'm adding this one because it is a review that carries into May. The Hamelin Stoop series is a new fantasy series for the middle grade/Young adult age range. Designed to help the middle-grade readers bridge that gap to the young adult books, this series has content at a higher reading level,
while maintaining suitable content for all ages. We are reading the first two books in the series (of a potential 6-7 book series). Our review will go LIVE the week of April 30, 2019.

2. US History (Year 3)Pathway to Liberty Homeschool Curriculum
Also on our plate is a new-to-me history curriculum from Pathway to Liberty. Working through Year 3 of the four-year curriculum, we will be studying US History. The curriculum is a multi-aged curriculum, thus we will be doing Level 2 and Level 3, which contain age-appropriate activities for each student. This review will be going LIVE the week of May 6, 2019.

3. Critical Thinking Detective - Vocabulary Book 2The Critical Thinking Co.
I am happy to have another excellent product from The Critical Thinking Co. in the house again! We've had great success with their previous products, and I am eager to start incorporating this product into our daily vocabulary practice. This book introduces new vocabulary by giving you a criminal case to solve, and the information for the details of the case includes high level vocabulary words which your child has to learn to be able to solve the case. Our review of this product will go LIVE on May 8, 2019.

4. God Is Bigger Than TrucksChristian Focus
We were thrilled when this new book arrived for us to review. It's not your usual A-Z book with the theme of vehicles--this one incorporates God and scriptures into the book as well. My youngest is looking forward to this one for sure. Our book review will go LIVE on May 20, 2019.

5. Nothing by Natalee Creech, WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group
A new beautifully illustrated children's book to explain how nothing can separate you from God's love. I am looking forward to flipping through what looks like will be a gorgeous book! I am always on the lookout for quality books to gift my nieces and nephews. Our book review will go LIVE on May 13, 2019.

6. Typing Tournament Online and Math Invaders Online, EdAlive
I am really enjoying watching my boys progress as they "play" these online typing and math programs. Designed to make improving typing and math skills more "fun", these two apps help build typing skills and math skills. Make sure you check out our review when it goes LIVE the week of May 22, 2019.

7. e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum, Supercharged Science
It's been several years since we last had Supercharged Science in house to explore, but we are eager to have fun with it again! This time we will be exploring it with two older children and I expect we will be getting much more out of it. Science is always a win here! This program is taught by video lessons from an honest-to-goodness rocket scientist with experiments that can easily be accomplished on your own. Our review will be going LIVE the week of May 28, 2019.


8. Gr 8 Lightning Lit Set, Hewitt Homeschooling Resources
I have been eyeing this product as a possible choice for our curriculum next year, so needless to say I was ecstatic to be chosen to be on the review team for it! We have experience with a couple of their elementary Lightning Lit sets, but this will be our first experience with their Middle School set. This is a literature-based Language Arts program. This review will go LIVE the week of June 12, 2019.

9. War of the Jews set, Memoria Press
While this is a high school curriculum, I'm going to be reviewing this myself to give you a feel for how it works and what can be done with it! I love Memoria Press products and am really looking forward to exploring this classical style history curriculum! Josephus, a Jew turned Roman citizen from the first century A.D., is regarded as the most trustworthy source for the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This short course is the follow-up to a study of Scripture as well as the best introduction to the history of Christianity." My review will go LIVE the week of June 10, 2019.

10. The Kingdom Code
While I know I'm on this review team, we have yet to receive this product, but I'm expecting it this week. This is a very popular "Biblically-based, fun, hands-on program which helps parents and teachers educate kids and young teens about money management and how to become entrepreneurs." I will be using this with my oldest son (Age 13) and I am curious to see how it works! Money Management is a very important skill to have, so I'm looking forward to getting this in my hands! This review will be going LIVE on June 17, 2019.

Also being reviewed by other crew members are products from Study.com and Dyslexia Gold.
We are also in the middle of finishing our last 6-7 weeks of school before our official summer break, so we are going to be hopping with all of these goodies in house. 

So, what in this list looks good to you? Leave me a comment below!

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