May 14, 2019

Nothing by Natalee Creech {Children's Book Review}

It can be a challenge at times to find children's books which are not only rich in text, but also biblically based AND beautiful to look at. I don't like to get your run of the mill books as gifts, so I am always looking for something exceptional. Enter Nothing by Natalee Creech, a book I was given to review by WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group. From the moment I laid my eyes on it, I had a feeling it was going to pass my test. Join me as I share my review of this illustrated children's book today!

About the Book

Nothing by Natalee Creech is an absolutely gorgeous book! The rich blue on the cover grabs your eye and makes you want to open it. Opening it, you will discover a beautifully illustrated children's book that emphasizes the amazing love of God. Based on Romans 8:38-39, the book shows the reader how there is no place anywhere in creation that can take you out of the realm of the love of God, but also that there is nothing that you could do which would make Him stop loving you.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD." ~ Romans 8:38-39
As soon as we received this book, my youngest child was dying to read it. He was sucked in immediately with the lovely rhyme of the words, but more specifically the beautiful illustrations by Joseph Cowman that go with each line. My son loved finding the little things that were funny in with the bigger pictures. After he read it once, he went back through it, JUST to look more closely at the pictures.

This was one of his most favorite pages with the tornado-blown creatures

He laughed at the mouse in a space suit
This book was extremely high quality in the construction and look. The pages were a lovely glossy paper and the book was a hardback. The children included in the illustrations were a wide variety of skin tones making ideal for any ethnicity. Each page was ripe with imagination! I think my most favorite part was the ending of the little girl who had torn up a flower bed in her playing...and the joy on her face when she's clearly been forgiven. 💗

There isn't anything I would change in this book. It's perfect just the way it is and a book I would happily purchase for any children as a gift, or as a baby shower gift. I think it should be read regularly for a child to be reminded about how much God loves them. The words are written in an easy to read font with not too many lines per page--making it a great book for younger readers, AND a book they will enjoy saying with their parent.
Isn't this just so much fun?

My youngest likes to continue to read this book, and says that he thinks we should get more of them for his cousins, "so they know how much God loves them.". I am inclined to agree, and I'm going to see if he will read it aloud to them when they visit the next time. He can read it confidently and likes to narrate the pictures at the same time. LOL.

Want to Know More?

For the last few weeks, we've been enjoying the beauty of Nothing by Natalee Creech published by  WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group. I encourage you to read other reviews of this lovely book from more members of the review crew!
Nothing (Nothing Can Separate You From God's Love) by Natalee Creech {WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Book Group Reviews}

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