May 26, 2019

Upcoming Reviews for June/July 2019: What Are Our Summer Reviews?

Summertime! Well, maybe not quite yet...but soon! Here in our homeschool, we finish all of our regular daily school stuff and then only do review products throughout the summer. We don't know what we'll have in any given summer--sometimes we have a lot of regular curriculum like stuff (English, math, etc), but sometimes we get quick and easy things (movies, games, etc). So what is in the work so far for our summer reviews? Here's the rundown of what we've got to work on and when you can expect to see the reviews go LIVE.


1. Life with Dog, Mill Creek Entertainment
Here's a little blurb about this movie: After losing his wife Alice (Marilu Henner) in a mysterious bike accident, Joe Bigler (Corbin Bernsen) is left alone without faith to help him grieve. That and the circumstances of Alice's accident leave more questions than answers, and Joe begins a fast descent into the dark abyss of uncertainty. But his salvation arrives when a dog wanders into his garden and won't leave despite Joe's many attempts to rid him. Without so much as a single bark, "Dog" as Joe has named him, shares his voice; a deep love and comfort that Joe has never experienced before. With Dog's love comes the discovery of God's love, and a faith that not only helps Joe toward the road to recovery, but also the unsolved mystery surrounding his wife's accident, and the ability to finally grieve her passing. Our Review of this movie will go LIVE June 3, 2019.

2. Gr 8 Lightning Lit Set, Hewitt Homeschooling Resources
I have been eyeing this product as a possible choice for our curriculum next year, so needless to say I was ecstatic to be chosen to be on the review team for it! We have experience with a couple of their elementary Lightning Lit sets, but this will be our first experience with their Middle School set. This is a literature-based Language Arts program. This review will go LIVE the week of June 12, 2019.

3. War of the Jews set, Memoria Press
While this is a high school curriculum, I'm going to be reviewing this myself to give you a feel for how it works and what can be done with it! I love Memoria Press products and am really looking forward to exploring this classical style history curriculum! Josephus, a Jew turned Roman citizen from the first century A.D., is regarded as the most trustworthy source for the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This short course is the follow-up to a study of Scripture as well as the best introduction to the history of Christianity." My review will go LIVE the week of June 10, 2019.

4. The Kingdom Code
While I know I'm on this review team, we have yet to receive this product, but I'm expecting it this week. This is a very popular "Biblically-based, fun, hands-on program which helps parents and teachers educate kids and young teens about money management and how to become entrepreneurs." I will be using this with my oldest son (Age 13) and I am curious to see how it works! Money Management is a very important skill to have, so I'm looking forward to getting this in my hands! This review will be going LIVE on June 17, 2019.

5. Matific Galaxy
We are reviewing this online math resource that is geared for K-6 grade math. Matific Galaxy is an award-winning fun and engaging online learning program. It has hundreds of curriculum aligned mathematics games and activities for kids in Grades K - 6, perfect for homeschooling and to support learning in the classroom. I can already tell you to be prepared for a 5-star review--I can't hardly get my son to STOP playing it! The review goes LIVE the week of June 26, 2019.

Also being reviewed by other crew members are products from Study.comHey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year, and Writing with Sharon Watson!


As of right now, I'm not slated for any reviews due in July--but there are few that just haven't been assigned yet. I encourage you, however, to check out a few reviews other crew members are working on for July: Dyslexia Gold, Learning Dynamics, and The Heart Changer by Jarm Del Boccio.


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