July 24, 2019

Friendship Bracelets--a blast from the past {Wordless Wednesday}

As part of the Fibreshare swap for this summer, I'm participating in the theme of Friendship Bracelets. This means we have to send a bracelet representing friendship to our partner with the other things. I decided to take this into more depth and actually got in touch with my middle school self and did the old knotted friendship bracelets. 
It was NOT like riding a bike. There was no instant recall. LOL.
But thanks to YouTube videos from middle school girls (Bwahahahahahah), I was able to make my hands remember fairly quickly.
My mom commented, "Oh I remember you making those all the time!"
I loved buying up embroidery floss at the store and exploring designs on braceletbook.com and eventually made up three designs to send, and one to send later since it is taking me longer.
These were very fun and I think I'm going to incorporate them somehow into our co-op studies this year during art. Maybe as part of a weaving or handcraft study. I can't wait to finish that watermelon one and send it!
Did you ever make friendship bracelets when you were younger?

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