July 7, 2019

Upcoming Reviews for July and August 2019

Well, it is official that we are in the HEAT of summer here on the farm! Wowza are we having a "real" Kentucky summer this year. But when you have fields and fields of hay, that's an excellent thing. LOL. Summer is my husband's favorite season because he can get the most down on the farm. I don't really mind it myself since I have the blessed invention of an Air Conditioner to help me manage! LOL. Because it is summer, we are technically on a summer school break. But if you have been readers for awhile, you know that we review homeschooling product all year long--which means there are still a few school items in house for us to dabble in over the summer. Today I'm going to catch you up with what we've got in house for July and August. It really is a mix of things, including some we most likely will continue into the new school year.

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1. Music and Creativity-Foundation Course, Simply Music
This is a program I was very curious about as soon as I heard about it. It's a completely online piano lesson program! As a former
piano teacher myself, I lament not having "time" to teach my youngest son piano. I look forward to being able to share our thoughts on this program--my review goes LIVE the week of July 15, 2019.

2. Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, Apologia
I was thrilled to have a chance to review this new edition of a middle school level science course from Apologia. We are working through this with my 13-year-old as a potential science curriculum to use for the 2019-2020 school year as 8th-grade science. My review for this product goes LIVE the week of July 22, 2019.

3. Time Travelers U.S. History Studies: The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression, Home School in the Woods
My youngest loves doing lapbooks and our family in general loves history. We've had great success with Home School in the Woods products in the past and are looking forward to learning more about the late 1800s thru the early 1900s with this study. The review will go LIVE the week of July 31, 2019.

You may also want to check out the July reviews for Dyslexia Gold, Learning Dynamics, Jarm Del Boccio, and Crafty Classroom! I'm not on these reviews, but they are ones you should totally learn more about! Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog for more information!


4. Miscellaneous non-fiction books, Library and Educational Services
Oh man. We loved being able to spend $70+ dollars on this website for excellent library and educational resources. I let the boys determine what we were going to get, and they loaded us up with ALL things history--specifically relating to World War 2. They are on a kick right now learning about the battles and ships/planes that were fought. These books will help them learn even more! We can't wait to share this review with you the week of August 5, 2019.

5. Third Grade Literature Guide Set, Memoria Press
After comparing the third, fourth, and fifth-grade sets, we opted to ask for the third-grade literature guide set from Memoria Press to review. We've loved Memoria Press material in the past, and I am looking forward to reading some classic books with my youngest son as we work through these literature guides! We are going to start with the classic and much-beloved book Farmer Boy! I know that my own little farmer boy will enjoy learning about the childhood of Almanzo Wilder! Our review will go LIVE on August 7, 2019.

6. My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping
I will freely admit that I'm not the biggest fan of online lesson planning materials, but I am curious to see the improvements that have been made to the My School Year program. This review will go LIVE the week of August 21, 2019.

7. CTC Math
I also just received my information for reviewing an old favorite CTC Math. We will be looking over the Pre-Algebra and 4th Grade material as well as exploring some new Question Banks material that has been created since we last reviewed this program. This review will go LIVE the week of August... (I can't remember and will come back and add it!)

There are a few more things I may be assigned for the end of August, but I'm not sure if I'm on the review list for them yet. :)

The biggest challenge is going to be maintaining our relaxed summer schedule with these new assignments. But I've done this for five years, so I'm confident we will be able to make it work! We won't go back to full school days again until September, so we'll just be playing with these items for awhile! If you want to see them in progress, make sure you follow me over on Instagram!

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