August 6, 2019

Build Your Home Library with Library and Educational Services LLC {Product Review}

Library and Educational Services LLC ~ Product Review
If you are like me, you are always looking for inexpensive books to add to your home library collection. The challenge is finding high-quality material that still fits the budget. Today I'd love to share with you a new resource for your consideration--Library and Educational Services LLC--a fantastic company that offers seriously deep discounted books and materials covering a wide range of subjects and topics. The perfect match for any homeschool or book-loving family! Join me as I share our experience with a selection from their super-popular Who Was... series, The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer audiodrama from the Lifehouse Theater CD series, and a collection of books from their Reinforced Hardcover Library Binding Nonfiction books. 

About the Company and Products

Library and Educational Services LLC offers a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books over a large range of topics. Not only are these books the highest quality visually, but their information is also in-depth and provides an excellent source for common subjects, especially history. Offering material for K-12, there are books for any level of reader. But there aren’t just books! There are also audio dramas and resource books like dictionaries and the like. 
The main thing that makes Library and Educational Services offers is amazing pricing—wholesale pricing for 30-70%+ off the publisher pricing! This makes these books possible for every family library! Additionally, every item offered is reviewed to make sure it is up to biblical standards and values.
One of the largest and most popular collections of books is their Who Was, What Was, and Where Is series which explores famous people, places, and events throughout history. Some of the books in these series include a huge variety of topics—there are over 115 biographies in the Who Was collection, 9 books in the Where Is, and 30 books in the What Was series. 
They also carry a collection of fun family audio dramas as part of their Lifehouse Theater series including:
The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer
Trapped in Aesop’s Fables
The Princess and the Pigs
Pride and Prejudice
Job-A Modern Man
Hiding in Plain Sight
The Emperor’s New Clothes

A large portion of their material is dedicated to their reinforced hardcover library binding nonfiction book series. There are usually 200-300 nonfiction book series in stock. They all have the reinforced library binding, and amazingly, all are priced at the same price as many paperback books. They are available in three age groupings (ages 3 - 7, ages 7 -12, and ages 13 and up) to make it easier to sort through for your student.

Our Thoughts on the Product

This company was amazingly generous and allowed our family to pick a book from their Who Was series, a CD from their Lifehouse Theater collection, as well as spending money to use however we desired from the rest of their reinforced hardcover library binding nonfiction book collection. It was so hard to narrow down what we were going to get—so we even added on about $35 of extra books because we couldn’t decide and we wanted to take advantage of their amazing wholesale pricing. 
We decided on the book What Was D-Day?, the CD The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer, the Documenting WW2 series (set of 4 books), the WW2 Essential Histories series (set of 6 books), and Americans at War- A Timeline Series (5 book set). My boys are very interested in learning everything there is to know about all aspects of WW1 and WW2, so I’m not surprised at these choices and their daddy was thrilled with these choices himself. 

There was great excitement in the house when this big box arrived. My youngest tore it open and eagerly grabbed the What Was D-Day? book. His big brother was at summer camp, so he was able to read it first and he took it everywhere. He really liked the way that it was full of pen and ink sketches of the people and maps. He liked the larger font and found it was written very engaging for him. He’s only 9, so this is very important right now. He easily read the book and shared the information to anyone who was willing to listen. His brother (age 13) also enjoyed the book when he had a chance to read it. 
Each boy next reached for a book from the two WW2 collections. Each of them picked a different book, and although they are written for a 13+ age level, my 9-year-old rarely asks for help—mostly just for people or places pronunciations. They love the real photographs and maps that are included and how fact-filled they are. My youngest calls out his chapter and paragraph headings to let me know where he’s at. He’s not had many studies on WW2 yet, so we have had a lot of interesting discussions of things like anti-Semitism and the Holocaust- new words for his vocabulary and understanding. My oldest just eats up all the information in them. He has a head for remembering facts and figures, so the information about the battle plans, weapons, and ships are right up his alley. 
Enjoying the What Was D-Day? book
Learning More About the War in the Pacific
When we started The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer in the car, both initially groaned and begged for something different. It wasn’t long before the oldest was changing his tune and asking to listen to it every time we got in the car. He completely identified with Tom Sawyer. LOL. My youngest isn’t an auditory learner, so he isn’t as much of a fan of audiobooks. He says it was okay, but he would have preferred reading the book. Now both of them want to watch the movie version once I told them there were a few out there. The audio drama was very well done. The voices matched the characters and the sound effects were great. 

Long story short, we are 100% satisfied with all of the products we received and purchased. I know that we will continue to use Library and Educational Services LLC over and over again as we continue to fill our shelves with high-quality materials. I’ve actually purchased from them in the past, so these books will sit next to the ones already at home on my bookshelf. 

I highly encourage you to check out this website. Right now, the Who Was series is on sale for only $2.89 ea! A killer deal for such excellent books.

Want to Know More?

We thoroughly enjoyed the collections of materials we received from Library and Educational Services LLC! Because there was so much to choose from, I encourage you to visit some of my other crew members to see the treasures they found!
Wholesale Books for Your Homeschool {Library and Educational Services LLC Reviews}

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