July 10, 2011

Preperations and Good Deals

Busy-Busy-BUSY! I could be singing a song from Seth's Thomas the Train movie! I am determined to be as prepared as possible for the start of homeschool come August, and that means that I can't let a day go by without preparations of some sort! Today I made great headway into supplies as I took advantage of the 20 cent spiral notebooks, the 15 cent folders and $3.00 3" binders at Wal*Mart! I also found a large 2011-2012 Planner that I'm going to use to layout the different things I want to incorporate each month into our curriculum. I was REALLY excited to find a bunch of goodies at our Dollar Tree store. That's a store (in case you don't know) where EVERYTHING is only $1.00...and they have educational supplies! I found some fabulous word cards with various packages like "adverbs" and "nouns" as well as blank ones for writing your own and then packs of Sight Words for Pre-K and Kindergarten (I, Am, Can, Are,---those kind of words).

I also went thru and wrote down prices for other random things I would like to have in the classroom like whiteboards, electric sharpeners, world maps, and other things like that. I will be taking Seth shopping with me later this month for him to choose out his supplies like crayons, glue, scissors, ect and will finalize my shopping then. I just wanted some ballpark numbers to how much $$ to bring with me.

My box of manilla file folders should be coming this week which will help me start getting the units set up. I have a nice (if slightly battered) black double drawer file cabinet that I am converting into school use. So I need to get that cleaned out this week.

So much to do...and still so much fun!

One more thing we are thinking about is investing in an E-Reader of some sort...so we don't fill up the house with too many curriculum books. So I'm checking out our options between Kindle, Nook Color and an Ipad. We'll see how that turns out. I think it would be very beneficial especially when travelling.

So that's where we are! Oh and I'm also writing out various schedules to get an idea on how my day *should* flow. As anyone who does homeschooling knows, schedules are always made to be broken, so I'm keeping it VERY fluid. LOL!

If anyone has any imput regarding E-readers or nifty organizational things, I'd love to hear from you!

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