July 8, 2011

July Happenings

It is hard to believe we are already in the SECOND week of July! This year is just flying by! We had a great 4th of July weekend and I hope you and your family did too. Now that we are in the middle of summer we are trying to stay cool!

We were pretty excited this week because we received our Homeschool Curriculum yesterday! Oh what fun to tear into that box! We about had to threaten Seth with punishment to get him to stop digging! LOL! I have been reading the teachers guide so that I can get a good handle on things and to add to my ever increasing list of materials needed before school starts.

I found a sweet deal on EBAY for file folders--a box of 100 for just $5.00! That included shipping! Once those arrive I'm kicking it into gear with getting my lessons planned out. I'm on the search for magazines of all kinds that I can use for the projects we have ahead of us. I mostly just get cooking and crafting ones so there isn't much in there! LOL!

Next comes our school supplies list and then we get to go shopping for Seth his special school stuff. I always loved shopping for the new supplies. I adore the smell of new crayons. Did you know that is one of the top 5 most recognizable smells? There is just something about a new box of unused crayons that makes my heart go pitterpatter! LOL!

Justin is getting so big...I'm trying to make sure I can plan a good portion of my lessons around his naptime/downtime. I think it will be a great opportunity to incorporate blanket time in preperation for church behavior too. He is working on more teeth and outgrowing his 12 month clothing. Can you believe he'll be one in less than a month?? Shocking!

Seth has big news...he lost his first tooth! That was quite the big day! Now he just looks so big with the gap in there. I'm thankful though that he finally lost it because his new one was already up and behind it. NOw it's starting to turn foward and not so crooked. It just needed more room.

Well, I'll keep you informed as our homeschooling preparations continue. I was able to make contact with a fairly local co-op group and look forward to our first in-person get together!

Have a great week!

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