August 26, 2011

$1 Find Fun!

I totally love the Dollar Bins at Target! They have some awesome things to use for homeschooling and we've been enjoying the things I've picked up the last two times. We've been working on matching our uppercase and lowercase letters, so instead of what we've been doing for a couple days, I pulled out one of my $1 bin finds and let Little Britches play!
These are two piece puzzles with the uppercase letter on one and the lowercase letter on the other. The colors are bright and the pictures are cute. He knew he had matches when both pictures started with the same letter AND when both colors were the same.
I timed him privately to see how long it would take him. I'll be curious to see how he does next time--he didn't get any wrong--because he would try something and then if he saw his mistake later, he'd fix it! He really enjoyed doing this and I could hear him saying "_ is for __ and __" once he got each letter matched. He also enjoyed being on the floor--which I try to let him do to mix it up and keep him from thinking school has to be in his desk.

I totally recommend this cheap little puzzle to anyone on a small budget for homeschooling--or even if you have a big one!

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