August 28, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal- Week #4

In my life this week…well, now that August is coming to an end I have to gear up for a couple crazy months! September means TWO weddings. The first one has Little Britches being a ringbearer for a family friend. The second wedding is 3 weeks later and is MUCH more of a tadoo since my sister-in-law is getting married here on the farm! So we have to transform the farm into a wedding! And that means a lot of work--so between now and then I have to finish getting things together for the wedding and such. And BOTH my boys are in that wedding. I already made the invitations a couple months ago for her. Now I still have to make her flowers/corsages/boutineers the weekend of the wedding. And help decorating. And help with the music. And help with the food. The list goes on and on. Good thing we are homeschooling! It will be nice to just put homeschooling on hold if I have to the week of the wedding!

In our homeschool this week…I learned that Little Britches doesn't really have all his colors down yet. It is nice to know that I can take the time to make sure he understands them and personalize his education like that. Such a blessing. I was fortunate to snag a $1 workbook about colors at the dollar store this week!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…My mom is flying in the for wedding of my sister-in-law so it will be nice to see her in just a few more weeks. As for places...well, we have been watching the hurricane Irene VERY closely as we have a house rented starting October 10th...and it's RIGHT on the beach in...Virginia Beach, VA! Needless to say, we are dying to know if it was damaged! We are supposed to be in Virginia Beach for the Feast of Tabernacles this year and there are about 400-500 people scheduled to attend there as well...hopefully all our housing managed to dodge the bullet. I did notice that it didn't hit as hard in VA as it was supposed to. Thank the Lord!

Things I’m working on…a flexible schedule! I need to work in more Nature Study, PE and Music into it...which means rearranging some that is my goal for this week. Working in the other things.

I’m cooking…fresh bread! Yum!

I’m grateful for…my family and living on the farm so I can enjoy a GORGEOUS day like today...using my clothesline to hang out freshly washed bedding. Mmm...nothing like the smell of sundried sheets on the bed!

I’m praying for…all my friends and church members who are being affected by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene. May God keep you safe in the palm of His hand!

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  1. I have never heard of a group event for any of the festivals. I am wanting to add studying the festivals to our homeschool year. Have a great year!!

  2. How fun to attend the Feast with others! We are also praying for those affected by the hurricane.


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