August 4, 2011

Back to the Basics and my Wish List

I love classic education materials. You know, the "old-fashioned" readers and books that were used way back when during the days when education was actually a #1 priority in the country?? I adore Inspirational Historical Fiction books and so many of them involve pioneer teachers and they nearly always used the McGuffey Readers to teach...

So I decided that I wanted them too! And after keeping my eyeballs peeled for some I snagged a Primer, First and Second McGuffey over on! They aren't new...but I got them in "Used-Like New" condition for more than HALF the new price...actually just $4 each! And they are hardbound! I'm so excited to get these! I think I will try to incorporate them as I can during our year.

I think that every Thursday, I will post what is on my Homeschool Resource Wish List...this is the list of books and materials that I would LOVVVVEEEE to own...and will own...someday. Did you know that several of these wishes came from YOU--a lot of my fellow Homeschooling Mom's who blog? I love checking out your blogs and seeing what you are using...and of course I usually go "Oh I WANNNNTTT it!" LOL! My husband naturally DOESN'T appreciate that...but just laughs and tells me to put it on my Wish List and then if I find it for a steal...SNAG IT! Isn't that SOOO nice of him?

So here is my current wish list:

Noah Webster's Blue Backed Speller
again, one of those *classic* books from the pioneer schoolroom
Usborne World of Animals
the pictures are AMAZING!
Usborne's Science Experiment books
way too many to link up! I want them all! LOL!
Various History and Geography books
again, too many to link up...but as I find them I will share!

So that's a good start...maybe I'll be blessed to find some of these very reasonably priced...or even better, they will be available for me thru Paperback Swap!
Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.
I've gotten so MANY of Little Britches books thru there with my book credits!

Well, only a few more days left before the fun begins...did you know that had Little Britches been enrolled in public school TODAY would have been his first day?? I was very thankful that I didn't have to drop him off...I'm sure I would have cried my eyeballs out! LOL! But then I know I would have been eager to hear all about it when he came know, the one thing I know he would have enjoyed was making new friends. He's such a friendly little bugger and as the oldest grandchild on both sides (just him and Baby Britches) well as being isolated in the country, he doesn't have any friends his age that he gets to see regularly. That's why I'm hoping that I can meet up with other homeschooling moms here locally (I'm a contact now!) and change that for him.

Well, gotta go print off more things and get ready for my afternoon piano lessons...

Oh yes, and if YOU have a book (or two) that you LOVE to use for your family's homeschooling, PLEASE share it in the comments!


  1. Another good thing about the older books/readers is that in them, the children are actually EXPECTED and REQUIRED to obey their parents and treat each other kindly! We love the Pathway readers. They are Amish, but have very good family values and character building qualities in their stories.

    I LOVE paperback swap! I just discovered it recently, but I have already gotten so many books for the upcoming year from there.

    Another good place to get great homeschooling products and they have a HUGE catalogue is Rainbow Resource Center. They have the McGuffey readers as well.

  2. Just stopping by from the FIAR forums. You have a cute blog! As far as favorite homeschooling books, we've looved FIAR, the manuals offer such great learning opportunities. Hope you have a great homeschooling year!


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