August 2, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal- Week 1

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

I have loved visiting fellow homeschooling mom's blogs and seeing a wonderful weekly "journal" of sorts where they share what's going on in their life...I am always interested in something that gets the juices flowing and I love the way it's done almost like a diary. My plan is to keep this as my Tuesday post each week...we'll see how it goes...but I do have one to kick it off!

In my life this week…things are pretty hectic. We are kicking off our adventure in homeschooling *officially* next Monday. So this week is full of lesson planning and keeping my printer running! Did I mention I am also trying to wean Baby Britches from his nighttime feeding? He's going to be 1 on Friday (sob!) and still wakes me up at LEAST once to nurse. Leaving me so worn out and exhausted in the morning I can't hardly move. Not a good combination with homeschooling!

I am inspired by…all you homeschooling moms out there who teach more than one grade at a time AND have babies under feet! How do you do it??

Questions/thoughts I have…oh I think the main thing right now is just anxiety about homeschooling. Can I TRULY do it? Will I do a good job? Am I crazy?

I’m reading…For the Children's Sake--a book included in the My Father's World curriculum. It's very good and I'm having to make notes of things I need to work on when dealing with my children when it comes to my attitude.

I’m cooking…well I made a big batch of spaghetti for lunch and froze half of it. We are eating a lot of pasta since I need to give the baby fingerfoods!

I’m grateful for…my husband. He is amazing and so supportive of everything I do. He's going to be the reason that homeschooling succeeds because he'll be the one comforting me on the days I just want to cry and give up!

I’m praying for…wisdom and guidance. As well as nights of blessed sleep!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share
"You've got a lot of choices.  If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice."  ~Steven D. Woodhull (U.S. geologist, 1976-)


  1. ooh, I'm so excited to follow your homeschool adventure while starting our own! I'm reading a book about homeschooling questions right now. I am full of all the same anxiety as you! May I ask how you came about your decision to homeschool? I'm curious about why everyone makes this choice. Because of our move and all I have YET to get curriculum etc. and MUST do that before the 15th. It's the deadline my hubby gave me to give him what I plan to do before approving taking our daughter out of public school and she's in a new district that starts the 15th. *sigh* SO much to do!

  2. (((Hugs)))) We all have that anxiety and I'm sure that you will do just fine :) ...and it will be fun to see his "AHA" moments.

    I see that you are on the FIAR blogroll, too! I look forward to seeing your learning fun.

    Many Blessings, Tamara


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