August 9, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal--Week #2

In my life this week…I'm having to deal with more than just homeschooling. My medical coverage for the boys just changed out of the blue and my pedi (whom I ADORE) won't carry the now I have to find a NEW pediatrician by the 14th! I've had this pediatrician since Little Britches was born in 2006!

In our homeschool this week…we started classes! Our first unit in the My Father's World curriculum is all about Creation...Little Britches already knew the days, but this will help keep them in his memory better. He did pretty good for the most part, but I was surprised that there are still a few letters he is having problems with. I made note of them so that I can make sure we incorporate them a LOT this week.

My favorite thing this week was…watching Baby Britches walk around like a drunken Frankenstein! I just love the way they walk in those first few weeks...and the little man FINALLY said "Muh!"--clearly saying it to me...even my hubby confirmed it! LOL! It's about time too! LOL!

Questions/thoughts I have…are just related to how Little Britches will enjoy school. It's a good thing I've had the experience as a Substitute teacher so that I know all the tricks kids try and how important it is to be able to think on your feet. I was able to nip some potential issues in the bud before they got any worse!

Things I’m working on…include getting weekly planners done for the rest of the month and pulling materials to file away.

I’m reading…a light read called "Fair Tomorrow" by Emilie Loring. I needed something easy to keep my mind from getting bogged down! LOL!

I’m cooking…well, I have some steaks marinading...T-bones from our own beef. I think I'll take those over to the In-Laws tonight for dinner.

I’m grateful for…a husband who is 100% supportive of everything I do for our family. I am loved beyond measure and reassured of that love regularly. I'm also grateful for my healthy ranbunctious and lively boys who routinely get into mischief...

I’m praying for…patience (see note regarding boys above).

A quote to share…
"A box of new crayons! Now they're all pointy, lined up in order, bright and perfect. Soon they'll be a bunch of ground down, rounded, indistinguishable stumps, missing their wrappers and smudged with other colors. Sometimes life seems unbearably tragic." ~Bill Watterson


  1. As I read about you watching your little one walking around like a drunken Frankenstein, I couldn't help but chuckle. Oh yes, what fond memories of when they first start walking.

  2. so wishing I had some of our "own" beef- we live at the beach (love it) but my hearts desire (now) is to have a farm! :) awesome!


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