August 8, 2011

The *Not* Back to School Blog Hop: Week #2-- The Classroom

Not Back to School Blog Hop
It's week #2 in the "Not" Back to School Blog Hop and this week we are posting what our "classroom" are looks like!

I'm so excited about this since we were blessed with getting all our classroom stuff FREE thanks to my hubby (read about it here)! Our classroom is in our office with the computer and my craft desk.
Here is the bulletin board with various things--the blue cups are our 100 count cups with popsicle sticks. There is our 100 chart and our weather graph (click here for link).
Here is our very spiffy desk (we actually have 2 more stashed away) with a few more wall things and my fabulous 4 drawer cabinet.We also have random supplies, but they are hidden in my cabinet which I enjoyed labeling with my label maker (L-O-V-E IT)!
And this is our pièce de résistance the 8' White Board! Talk about awesome! It took my fabulous hubby 3 hrs to get this thing up on the wall...but oh so worth it!
We also have an old crank style stainless steel pencil sharpener which is my SECOND most favorite thing! LOL! I seriously believe those sharpen better then ANY electric one...

We started school check back tomorrow for my Homeschool Mother's Journal post...I will tell you how today went!


  1. Can I borrow your white board? I promise I will give it right back...

  2. I'm coveting your white board! Love it! And I totally agree on the hand crank pencil sharpener! We got one last year after yet another electric one died! Hope you have a great year!

  3. OMGosh...I LOVE my rusty old cranky style pencil sharpener! LOVE it! And all warm n' fuzzy that you love yours too. you happen to have your weather graph printable? I may have to steal that idea. ;)

    Visiting & Following from the Not Back Hop.


  4. Love your room! love the desk! Visiting and following you now from the Not Back Hop!


  5. Wow! Now that is a nice white board :) Thanks for sharing and may you have abundant blessings in your school year.

  6. Oh, I would love to have a really big white board like that!

    Your boys are super cute! Have a fun year of homeschooling!

  7. It looks great! What huge blessings the furnishings were! Oh and I'm totally borrowing the cups for the 100 containers idea! That is brilliant!

  8. Love your HUGE white board! Have a wonderful year!


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